Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)




The YouthBuilders is an itinerant group of students, ages 18-24 who volunteer for one year of community life and personal growth. They train and serve in what is now a co-operative opportunity sponsored by the Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada and the Canadian Conference of the Brethren in Christ Church.

After thirty-three years the YouthBuilders' adventure is just completing its tenth season of tour, involving the 13th and 14th teams, having trained 58 students in this model of leadershop development.

The practical application of this Doctor of Ministry dissertation is to investigate · · the history of this movement and assess the role of emotional intelligence as a benchmark for enhancing the training and encouraging of life-long relational skills.

The two critical questions are: (1) What does the group emotional intelligence profile of the Y outhBuilders look like? (2) Can emotional intelligence assessment be considered to have value as a benchmarking tool in the development of future YouthBuilders?

Comments on the theory of "leadershop" development as it is reflected in the YouthBuilders model are made. They include the topics of: Differentiation, Life-Long Learning, Emergent Leaders, Liminality, Human Integration, and Mindfulness of Gender.

Recommendations for applying emotional intelligence in the future work of the training and sending out of YouthBuilders should involve the use of the original individual inventory to establish an emotional quotient and then the use of the 360-multi-rater assessment to enhance teambuilding and personal development in the life-long learning loop.

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