Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
The postmodern college students of today are highly tolerant of others, technologically advanced, overly protected, and exceedingly busy. Excitedly though, many of these young men and women, desire to live in community and are returning to more traditional Christian values. These spiritually sensitive students are looking for ways to grow in their personal relationship with Christ and serve others in the world. They are coming to traditional Christian colleges in record numbers in search of opportunities to deepen their walk with Christ, but many of these students do not possess the necessary tools to do so. To help these young people grow in their faith during their college careers, institutions must develop programs which utilize classical spiritual disciplines to effectively nurture these students toward growth in Christ. If Christian colleges are going to assist postmoderns in building a strong foundation with Christ and possess the necessary tools for a lifelong journey with God, it is imperative to develop an intentional spiritual formation curriculum which integrates classical spiritual disciplines, which fosters growth, and which meets the needs of the postmodern generation.
Recommended Citation
Morley, John R. Jr., "Creating an Environment for Growth: Utilizing Classical Spiritual Disciplines within a Spiritual Formation Curriculum for a Postmodern World" (2007). Doctor of Ministry. 350.