Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Gregg Borror, DMin

Second Advisor

Ekaputra Tupamahu, PhD

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


Within the Christian community, a critical gap of failing to address the degradation of the planet in a meaningful way has led to impoverished views theologically and in praxis and experience. In the context of earth care, independent African churches acquiesce her role and responsibility to conserve the land and conceive of new ways to envision creation care because of her models of prosperity theology and a millennium future. By intensifying a trust in God and allowing his covenantal love for and with creation the coherence of the Christian story is not compromised. Research in the metaphors of trusteeship and stewardship collaborates a value that fosters focused Christian earthkeeping.

This dissertation heightens the value of the Christian narrative that offers an ethical metaphor of trusteeship embedded in the storyline. Section one addresses the environmental crisis and the various theological vagrancies and tensions of Christian experience in modernity and shallow interpretations of Scripture. Section two compares three distinct theological positions primarily associated with biodiversity conservation and Christian ethics on the environment. Section three reexamines the Christian story in the context of experience and praxis of covenantal hesed. Christian ethics as seen through hesed has four markers: living in the awareness of the prime directive in Genesis chapter two; embracing the universal rainbow covenant of Noah; focusing on hope linking creation and Christ’s incarnation; and valuing the communal journey of hesed through expressions of responsibly acting in the best interests to future generations and self-respect as fiduciaries of the planet. Section four describes the artifact, a weeklong Christian camp experience for disadvantaged kids from Nairobi, Kenya called “Angaza Discovery Camp” that will offer an out-door school experiencing ecological awareness and skill-building in earthkeeping. Section five articulates the specifications for the artifact. Section six encapsulates the implementation of the Angaza Discovery Camp and suggests insights learned to be addressed in the future.

Included in

Christianity Commons
