"Foursquare Path: A Discipleship Journey Rooted in the Foursquare Gospe" by Timothy Lee

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Jason Wellman, DMin

Second Advisor

Jeney Park-Hearn, PhD

Third Advisor

MaryKate Morse, PhD


The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (the Foursquare Church) was founded by Aimee Semple McPherson on the foundational teachings of Jesus Christ as Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer, and Soon Coming King. The early history of the Foursquare Church was marked by incredible signs and wonders, culturally sensitive and impactful global missions, and dynamic church growth. This was the fruit of a movement full of people who deeply shared a clear and passionate understanding of what it meant to be Foursquare. In the past two decades, however, there appears to have been a steady decline in the development of disciples who carry the distinct Foursquare ethos that was so rich in the early days of the movement. Members of local Foursquare churches seem to know little about what it means to be Foursquare.

Here-in lies the great opportunity this dissertation intends to address. As a result of denomination-wide restructuring, the general decline of seeker-sensitive churches in the west, and the impact of the social unrest of recent American history exacerbated by a global pandemic, the Foursquare Church is positioned to benefit from accessible discipleship resources with a distinct Foursquare ethos.

Foursquare Path is a ten-week discipleship program designed to make disciples of Jesus rooted in the Foursquare Gospel. During Foursquare Path, Journey Groups of up to twelve are led by a Journey Guide through the four tenets about Jesus that are foundational to the Foursquare Gospel. After an introductory session, Journey Groups walk through learning, activating, discussing, and reflecting, with a two-week focus on each of the four tenets. Foursquare Path concludes with a session of celebration and preparation, with suggested practices for continued engagement.

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Christianity Commons
