"Hope for the Heartbroken: A Sacred Space for Grace" by Patricia Mayes

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Holley Clough, DMin

Second Advisor

Jason Wellman, DMin

Third Advisor

Ken Van Vliet, DMin


This project addresses pathways for hope rising from heartbreaking behaviors of unresolved grief due to a loss from any source that prevents one from a life of peace, love, and future happiness. The audience is those persons and groups experiencing any life event that threatens a sense of well-being and loss of hope for a better future. Some of those events are death of a loved one, job loss, disruption of family dynamics, civic and cultural discord, workplace discord and dysfunctional relationships.

The key insight emerging early was while a local regional need existed, little support existed given current free resources. Further research in the USA and worldwide with leaders in theology and transformational education demonstrated greater need and opportunity to develop methodology to be a worldwide messenger. This insight drove the need to develop a website with content platforms on grief, healing from a loss, and strategies to deal with life struggles while being sensitive to cultural differences. The project is now supported by a specialty focused team of a contractual web designer, graphic designer, business coach, speaking coach, content writing coach, and a spiritual advised led by this writer.

This project is an extension of my vocational ministry of an associate pastor in my faith community serving as a resource on life losses, emotional healing, transformational teaching life strategies for coping, pastoral counseling and discovering hope for the heartbroken. This project extends that role worldwide to brand myself as an expert in these areas.

This project is a hybrid approach to be presented regionally by teaching at community colleges, writing newspaper columns, participation in specific events, and exposure to niche and global markets the same content using massive marketing techniques.

Included in

Christianity Commons
