"Teaching the Art of Sacred Storytelling for Use in Ministry" by AbbyLynn Haskell

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Dan Lioy, PhD

Second Advisor

Phil Newell, DMin

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


Storytelling is of immense value in ministry today for enriching preaching, liturgy, teaching, worship, pastoral care, mission, evangelism and discipleship. I serve as a part-time pastor in rural Maine and have a passion for using storytelling in all these aspects of ministry. I observed an opportunity for teaching storytelling in my local ministry schools and churches.

I designed a curriculum for oral storytelling instruction that includes teaching techniques for sharing personal experiences and the re-telling of myths, legends, wisdom, folklore and Biblical stories for use in preaching, ministry, mission and pastoral care. This storytelling educational program consists of online and in person courses, standalone classes and workshops. Each course, standalone class or workshop is an organized independent unit while being in synergetic connectedness with the others. There are no prerequisites and each course is open to both beginner and experienced storytellers. These are practical courses where students learn to utilize fundamental storytelling techniques. While the tools to listen, learn and tell a story by heart will be consistently repeated in all the courses, each course will focus on different themes, lessons and skills essential to practicing the art and ministry of storytelling.

Students who have taken my classes are active laity, people who are discerning a call to ordained ministry and ordained clergy. Those who have taken my classes have reported feeling excited, encouraged and motivated to include their newly gained story gathering and storytelling skills in their sermons, chaplaincy care, mission work and Christian education. I have collected feedback forms from over 65% of the students. I have used their feedback to modify and improve the curriculum. From the core material of this curriculum I have continued to customize workshops and classes that fit the individual requests of churches, ministry schools and retreat centers seeking to offer storytelling education.

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