Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)




The problem addressed in this paper is to find out if the application of missional principles in the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon can revitalize this diocese, direct the diocese to missional ends, and provide applications for similar situations in other dioceses. This investigation assumes that the existing infrastructure of the diocese has intrinsic value for mission if it can become focused on God's mission as its primary end. This approach assumes that the diocese has been and perhaps still is distracted by matters of secondary importance such as maintenance of existing facilities, issues of power, lack of trust, and cultural struggles. This problem will be addressed by proposing that the consistent use of missional language and strategic missional thinking, discipling for mission, and evangelization, can all focus the diocesan culture on the meta-principle that the church is a transformative agent for the renewal of God's world. The results of four years of the relatively consistent application of missional principles will be laid out as a chronology of events that the author believes to be signals of change. These notable events relate to the work of the bishop and staff, and the committees and commissions of the diocese, and to the local congregations, which are the ultimate outposts of the Church of Jesus Christ and a vanguard of the Mission of God.

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