"Simple Church Ecclesiology in Relationship to the Evangelical Church D" by Leroy V. Robinson

Simple Church Ecclesiology in Relationship to the Evangelical Church Denomination

Leroy V. Robinson


The issue addressed in this paper regards the validity of a more organic ecclesiology in the context of The Evangelical Church. The validation for this paradigm is its ability to embody authentic Christian community and in the process develop disciples who are able to administrate the mandates of the Great Commission. The result will be three-fold: leadership development, church planting, and engagement of the emerging culture. The purpose of this paper is to offer an ecclesiological paradigm advantageous to the entire Church community. This model is one of several the Holy Spirit has chosen to use in blessing and emboldening the emerging church. The cultural transition from modernity to post-modernity requires that the Church give careful consideration to forms and structures in its endeavors to accomplish its missional responsibilities. This involves looking for insight and wisdom in a paradigmatic examination of the Church. In practice, Simple Church is more organic than other church paradigms now prominent on the North American landscape. This church expression is described using ecological terms and language, because it's nature is organic, and natural. This paper asserts that effective community life and ministry are incarnational, relational, and missional and effective leadership forms are non-hierarchical and apostolic. The desire of this paper is to present a holistic church structure and form that is fluid, simple, participatory, and easily replicated. Simple Church is the paradigm proposed specifically for The Evangelical Church in its quest to become a church planting movement.