"Liberated Voices an Online Course in Speaking Up" by Seth J. Thomas

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Ekaputra Tupamahu, PhD

Second Advisor

Jeffery Savage, DMin

Third Advisor

MaryKate Morse, PhD


NPO Statement: The white church and its leaders have demonstrated postures of silence and privilege, which need to be lovingly disrupted to leverage and encourage the liberative witness at the heart of the biblical narrative.

Key Insights: Faith leaders from the white church are hungry for resources that encourage them to participate in the struggles for social justice in this present era of ministry. Many desire to speak the truth with love but need encouragement and permission to leverage that witness they find in the scriptures. The liberation theology tradition offers excellent historical and present examples of God’s preferential option for the poor and the oppressed. Connecting this with practical examples of preaching and speaking, we can offer faith leaders a fresh, encouraging approach to proclaiming God’s good news.

Ministry Context: I serve as Minister of Word and Sacrament at St. James Presbyterian Church in Bellingham, WA. We are a theologically progressive, social justice-oriented neighborhood church. This congregation serves as a backdrop to this project, as it is with these people that I have practically explored the concepts of bold preaching I hope to encourage others to employ. The project will be launched through The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology’s Center for Transforming Engagement. I am a staff member of this institution and an alum of their M.Div program, and I hope to contribute this course to their broad offerings.

Description of the Project: I am designing and developing an online course of eight 25-minute lessons titled “Liberated Voices.” This course will be offered as asynchronous video content through The Center for Transforming Engagement in Fall 2023. The course includes assignments of an 8-10 page paper describing speaking up in the participant’s context, reflective journaling, and various readings from liberation theology, preaching, and engaging healthy discourse in the community.

Included in

Christianity Commons
