"Crossing the Jordan Together: Recoding the Language of Discipleship Us" by Brian D. Russell

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Melinda Smith, DMin

Second Advisor

Mark Chironna, DMin

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


This Project Portfolio addresses the following NPO: The post-pandemic era leaves many Christians and seekers unmotivated to re-engage with the church. Reconnection is possible by recoding discipleship as thriving, holistic devotional living. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, all churches, regardless of size and vitality prior to the pandemic, were dealing with the same challenges of re-engaging people in the church, especially within their hospitality teams. Therefore, an opportunity arose to bring churches together to find fresh ways to re-engage their faith community where no one is the perceived expert. I am currently an adjunct professor teaching undergraduate ministry classes. I also serve my church as an intercessory prayer team leader and leadership development training materials team member. The project addresses the disengagement of churchgoers in a post-pandemic era. 1 With the disengagement of volunteerism, vital Sunday ministries like hospitality are suffering. Additionally, only 39% of Christians are actively engaged in intentional discipleship, where many feel ill-equipped; thus, the need to address this trend is essential. 2 By recoding discipleship in a way that engages all life domains, not just a slice of life set aside for spiritual things, Christians can see faith as more than something they share with others. This recoding reimagines discipleship as Kingdom Living. The resulting picture is faith at the core of Christian life, outwardly visible through loving relationships flowing through all life domains: Service, Study, Health, Finance, and Mission. Helping people understand their purpose and call beyond the church walls to include work and play ignites their relationship with Jesus in ways that flow back into the church to help others do the same.

Included in

Christianity Commons
