"Healing Through Homecoming Rediscovering the Hospitality of Jesus as t" by W. Matthew Rice

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Melinda Smith, DMin

Second Advisor

Mark Chironna, DMin

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


This Project Portfolio addresses the following NPO: In an increasingly hostile culture, there is an opportunity to incarnate the hospitality of Jesus to a world in need of God’s embrace; in doing so, the Church will rediscover and release the mission tone of Jesus, a kindness that heals as it welcomes people home and leads to Spirit-empowered turns. The key insight of my research is that the coming of Jesus is the ultimate expression of ancient hospitality, and when God’s kindness permeates the mission tone of a church, it creates an environment where the gospel is heard, the Spirit’s power is released, and broken people find their way home to a running Savior whose embrace heals and restores. I serve as lead pastor of Life City Church in Pickerington, Ohio. The project includes a proposal and sample chapters for a book, Healing through Homecoming, Rediscovering the Hospitality of Jesus as the Mission Tone of the Church, and a podcast that will eventually be integrated into an eight-week discipleship class. The book will provide a systematic approach to the topic and create a space where the possibilities of hospitality as healing can be explored in more of a linear fashion. The podcast will provide a resource where the subject can "breathe" and "stretch out" through conversation and discussion.

Included in

Christianity Commons
