"Becoming a Spiritually Formed Leader an Invitation to a Life-Long Jour" by Brad Pembleton

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Jeffery Savage, DMin

Second Advisor

Donna Wallace, DMin

Third Advisor

Ken Van Vliet, DMin


The project was developed in response to the following need within non-denominational churches that lack vision and resources to invest in their spiritual leaders: Leaders of non-denominational churches should be trained and equipped to attend to a life-long process of being spiritually formed to effectively nurture God’s people. To address an overwhelming need for spiritual leaders to grow in their spiritual formation to the glory of God and for the sake of others, this is a two-fold strategy that utilizes both the left and right brain to engage beliefs, doctrine and strategies while also focusing on relational experiences, emotional development and character formation: first, a five-session interactive curriculum designed for participants to discover the need for leaders to be spiritually formed; second, an invitation to those who have been through the curriculum to commit to a mentoring community of three or four individuals for twelve months. The purpose of the fivesession curriculum is to help participants understand that leadership and spiritual formation is a life-long process that one must attend to faithfully and effectively nurture God’s people. It is also designed to inspire participants to invest in their spiritual formation long term. Those who accept the invitation to begin the life-long journey towards becoming spiritually formed are provided their next step by committing to a mentoring community. This covenantal community that is marked by stability, fidelity and obedience will embark on a spiritual journey by meeting twice a month to grow and learn together as participants develop their own rule of life, a guide that allows God’s Spirit to work through different rhythms of grace to continue the process of cultivating leadership and spiritual formation within the participant for the next season of life.

Included in

Christianity Commons
