"Sanctified; a Formational Hermeneutic of the Sanctuary in Seven Reflec" by Miguel Mendez

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Ekaterina Lomperis, PhD

Second Advisor

Jacqueline Bland, DMin

Third Advisor

MaryKate Morse, PhD


The initial impetus for the project was to produce a hermeneutical approach that would privilege diversity within the Adventist church. The NPO as initially envisioned was directed to church leadership; the foci however shifted toward a local congregation as it dealt with denominational pressure and internal conflict. The notion of a heavenly Sanctuary that serves as a replica of the Earthly tabernacle looms large in Adventism, it remains foundational to the denomination’s understanding of eschatology, ecclesiology, and missiology. Adventism espouses the belief that Jesus has been ministering in this heavenly Sanctuary since October 22, 1844. This unique understanding of Christ’s intercessory role has resulted in spirited debate and schisms within Adventism. The NPO that holds the project together is that: A novel hermeneutic approach to the Sanctuary will produce a congregation that is more comfortable with the idea of spiritual formation. Two key insights that emerged through this project; first, preaching continues to hold primacy in the Adventist church. Second, Adventism’s rationalistic nature has engendered an inherent mistrust when it comes to spiritual formation. Thus, preaching much like leadership consists in disappointing people at a rate they can tolerate. Skillful homiletics is the art of connecting concepts that are familiar i.e., the Sanctuary with ideas that seem foreign i.e., Spiritual formation. This area of study is of particular interest to me as I serve as the pastor for study, research, and spiritual development at the Loma Linda University Church of Seventh-day Adventists. Our congregation is connected to a university as well as a health care system and remains the most influential Adventist church in North America. The project consists of a brief historical sketch on Adventism accompanied by seven reflections on the Sanctuary which coincide with seven speeches YWHW delivers to Moses in chapters 25 to 31 of Exodus.

Included in

Christianity Commons
