"Built to Last: An In-Depth Look at the Multisite Church and Ministry S" by Scott R. Jones

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Gregg Borror, DMin

Second Advisor

Sunggu Yang, PhD

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


The multisite church model is a movement that, by all indications, is here to stay. According to Portable Church Industries, there are only twelve single-campus churches listed among the top 100 largest churches in the United States. If multi-site churches were a Protestant denomination, they’d be the fourth largest. 1 The NPO addressed is: Multisite churches are predominantly first generation with personality centric leadership, needing intentionality for sustainability and succession. I serve as lead pastor of Grace Church – a non-denominational church with four campuses in the Houston area. I am in my 28th year of tenure. We transitioned to the multisite church model fifteen years ago. I have experienced phenomenal highs and a few very disappointing lows in those fifteen years. The lows always trace to an ambitious staff pastor with a personal agenda who countered the vision and culture of the church at large. Thus, the need for identifying the most sustainable multisite model and one that is transferrable to other generations of leadership. The final project is a book. The first section presents a look back at the biblical and historical origins of the multisite church, along with the logic and motivation behind this church model. This section offers an overview of the four most popular multisite models utilized today. The second section delves into pastoral succession and the need for a thought out, intentional plan. Focus is given to the difference in raising up followers versus raising up leaders, as well as juxtaposing the difference between succession and transition. Finally, suggested steps and elements for successful pastoral transition will be presented. The working title of the book is Built to Last: An In-Depth Look at Multisite Church and Ministry Succession.

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Christianity Commons
