"GCM: Generations in Community on Mission a Theoretical Framework for I" by Denise C. Johnson

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Karen Tremper, PhD

Second Advisor

Diane Zemke, PhD

Third Advisor

Jason Swan Clark, DMin, PhD


The increasingly unstable and changing world in which we now live requires a resilient, discerning, and adaptable family of God, who is intentional about reaching their community with the hope of Jesus. This project sought to address the disconnect between the congregants, the relational network, and the tools necessary to walkout the fulfillment of their identity on mission. The following NPO was initiated due to my background working in disenfranchised settings within public schools as a Special Educator and School Counselor and the three decades working in interdenominational foreign missions’ partnership, together with Foursquare Missions International. This final form was developed through the input of this discovery process: The integration of identity, community, and mission within small spiritual communities, which empowers, develops, releases, and sustains intergenerational disciples on mission. The Discovery Process revealed: (1) a desire from leaders for a flexible structure of resources to facilitate the acquisition and implementation of life empowering transformation. (2) Diversity of individuals’ depth of relationship with Jesus, academic abilities, and life experience, are assets to group growth. (3) The relationship depth between facilitator and participants impacts the participant commitment and trust. (4) A congregation’s calendar of events, and community activities influences the pool of participants. This project is a theoretical framework for ongoing discipleship in the local church setting. It implements concrete spiritual practices within an intergenerational small group over four sessions. A full spectrum of ages was represented, and worked together in personal and collective spiritual growth, while engaging in mission. Individuals learned to take responsibility for their own personal spirituality and engaged missionally in their personal circle of influence. This provides a template of skills, and processes for a foundation to equip anyone to develop personal, spiritual growth, and fulfill missional purpose within a supportive, intergenerational, spiritual family.

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Christianity Commons
