"Renewing a Nation: the Impact of the African Diaspora on the African A" by Lolita R. Gilmore-Randall

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

William Valmyr, DMin

Second Advisor

Eugene K. Austin, DMin


Despite the notion the past can never be removed, disassembled or altered, variant versions of African American history continue to serve as a fluid document in time without accountability, acknowledgement, or consciousness of the liabilities associated with the African diaspora. Studies show an estimated 12.5 million African men, women, and children were forcibly transported as part of the transatlantic slave trade, an egregious act that remains impactful to this day. African Americans represent 12% of the American population, but constitute 2.3 million, or 34%, of the total 6.8 million in correctional facilities. Though African American children make up 14% of the child population, they constitute 28% of the children in foster care. There is also a definitive line of debarkation suggesting the Black church’s absence has also contributed to the maladies gravely affecting the family unit, culture, and community. To validate this hypothesis, the conflict and structural theory in conjunction with the empowerment/anti-oppressive perspective will establish the dynamic in operation by outlining the four categories: The Great Awakening (The importance of present true facts); The Great Divide (The Western Civilization’s single-axis on racism and proposed alternatives); The Thesis (The African diaspora’s Lasting Impact); and a viable corrected plan of action (Artifact) reflecting the embodiment of Christian worldviews, African Centered social work practice, and the Family Advocacy Research Project Center (FAPRC). This bridge connector between the community and the church will support the emphatical need for an inspired, global, and spirit-filled educational platform of Africology, a trauma informed church, and an African American Collaborative network of services. It is believed that with this system, the church’s engagement will spearhead a platform designed to renew a nation to a positive level of homeostasis while reducing crime, the high rate of recidivism, child abuse, domestic violence, and a healthy level of spiritual engagement.
