"Infobesity: How Does Information Overload From Digital Technologies Af" by Andy Gabruch

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Sunggu Yang, PhD

Second Advisor

Gregg Borror, DMin

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


My research project is based on the NPO of how information overload from digital technologies affects our relationship with Jesus, according to Mark 12:30-31, and how followers of Jesus can redeem digital spaces. My key insights of the research led me to the conclusion digital information overload is based on the lack of moderation and regulation of digital technologies as followers of Jesus. Furthermore, my research led me to the effects of information overload to five categories Jesus speaks of in Mark 12:30-31 of our hearts (emotions), soul (identity), mind (cognitive reasoning), strength (physical), and relationships (social skills) according to the level of digital consumption per day. I call this phenomenon Infobesity. In response, this led me to design a spiritual faith-based self-assessment resource for followers of Jesus called the Infobesity Assessment. The Infobesity Assessment is designed to empower digital users to understand their digital practices, increase their digital awareness, and how to redeem digital spaces as followers of Jesus. The design of the assessment has specialized assessments for students, parents, pastors, and the general public. As the former Next Generation Director for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, I was able to use an action-based research approach with the Infobesity Assessment to access various feedback loops across the nation. This led to further data and study of digital technologies and redemptive practices. In addition, the research has allowed me to confirm a book contract to resource the broader Christian community living in a digital world.

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Christianity Commons
