"Transgenerational Wellness: Trauma Informed Christian Spiritual Format" by Winford Amos

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

William Valmyr, DMin

Second Advisor

Jamale Kempt, DMin

Third Advisor

Kimla Beasley


Certain mindsets, processes, and practices produce health inequities and disparities including poor spiritual health. Young adults between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five years old are experiencing challenges with mental health and substance use resulting in a high rate of suicides and overdose related deaths. Many are experiencing co-occurring substance use and mental health challenges and have a history of trauma. There are limited options available for integrated treatment. Accessibility to services is very difficult due to limited providers and limited resources at this age. Church attendance has decreased significantly for young adults which limits the capacity of the church to respond to this crisis. A multifaceted and multidisciplinary approach is needed to engage the mission field for these young adults. A spiritually oriented social ecological approach to Christian spiritual formation that integrates healthy leadership, mindsets, processes, and practices will produce healthy faith communities leading to nested relationships across generations. A Spiritually Oriented Social Ecological Model provides the framework to respond to the complexities of this intergenerational problem. A multidisciplinary approach is utilized to build an interdisciplinary team for the mission field. Christian spiritual formation that is theologically sound provides families with the core beliefs, values, and practices to build a relationship with God, themselves, others, and the world. Equipped for The Journey facilitates a web platform that creates virtual access to services that are in dire need within the body of Christ. The organization also functions as a bridge between the church, health providers, and the community through collaboration, service delivery, and training.
