Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Eugene Austin, DMin

Second Advisor

Laura Gordon, DMin


Children need out of home placements (foster care), due to abuse and neglect, often languishing in the foster care system for years, before returning home to a safer biological family, adoptive home, or another permanent placement. Historically the Christian church and other communities of faith have functioned as social service providers, building hospitals and orphanages, caring for people in need. City Church (Churchome) a Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. based local church story is presented in this research as a model of faith, leadership and collaboration.

Chapter one describes the need, current environment, key terms, and examples of how faith-based organizations engage. Chapter two presents leading FBO’s and briefly explores the vital role and influence the African American and South African Church can play in community social concerns. Chapter three establishes a theological and historical basis for partnerships, highlighting The Trinity as the first collaboration and the idea of compound unity. Chapter four is the research methodology and potential contributions of the research. Chapter five presents research findings, critical analysis, obstacles to effective partnerships such as: lack of trust, leadership challenges, and the economics of foster care. Chapter six are recommendations for further study bringing the study to conclusion citing City Ministries Child Placement Agency as an example of how FBOs can partner more effectively.

The complex needs of children in foster care are addressed by promoting well- being, stability, and successful transitions to permanency for children and families by fostering collaborative partnerships and clear communication.

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Christianity Commons
