Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Karen Claassen, DMin

Second Advisor

Leonard Wilson, DMin

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


This Project Portfolio will display my attempt to address the following NPO: To help Young Adults (ages 18-39) recognize the beauty in their lives and friends’ lives and identify where God is working so they can engage in authentic conversations about faith and fulfillment in Jesus. The overall insight that emerged from my research was the desire among Young Adults to understand and articulate their faith from a perspective of desirability. This awareness blossomed in my current ministry setting – as a Young Adult Minister at an established church in the Southern United States. My project is step one of a multi-step process to address the NPO. To address the desire to begin to recognize beauty and desirability in their lives and their faith, I have developed an “EPIC”-styled Advent Devotional Journal that encourages the participants to explore their faith and life story from an “experiential” perspective rather than an “informational” one.
