Date of Award
Document Type
Project Portfolio
Degree Name
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
First Advisor
Deborah Loyd, DMin
Second Advisor
Luisa Gallagher Stevens, PhD
Third Advisor
MaryKate Morse, PhD
The NPO statement which guided this Doctoral Project is missionaries need a safe space and attuned guidance to renew spiritually from spiritual abuse suffered in the course of vocational missions work. Key insights which emerged from research found that spiritual abuse happens among missionaries while serving overseas which causes a deformation of their spiritual life. That deformation results in doubting or dismissing the relationship they once experienced with Jesus. Spiritual healing, a reformation of their spirituality, is possible in a safe guided community. At the start of this doctoral program my ministry context was as a twenty year veteran of global missions, including doing member care at the organizational level. This context changed partway into the degree, and I am now a pastor in America. Despite the change of ministry context, my work remains with missionaries. Rhythms for Reformation is a complete curriculum for a five day group intensive for missionaries who have suffered spiritual abuse while serving globally to help them find spiritual and emotional healing. Through daily scheduled rhythms of meeting, meals, Scripture, lessons, prayer, and activities, participants will learn who they are and who God is apart from what they experienced. The daily rhythms are built around six R’s which inform the purposes for each activity. These R’s are recalibrate, reframe, re-story, revoice, renew, and reconcile. Participants will tell their stories and be listened to attentively, encounter biblical lessons and spiritual formation exercises, discuss emotions and thoughts, and explore embodiment activities. They will grapple with forgiveness. Participants will regain trust in God as well as process relational and emotional aspects of their suffering. The intensive offers a safe place to restore hope and life with Christ.
Recommended Citation
Raatz, Nancy, "Rhythms for Reformation: Guiding Missionaries to Find Healing From the Trauma of Spiritual Abuse" (2024). Doctor of Ministry. 663.