"Demystifying Preservice Teacher Reflective Thinking: A Systematic Lite" by Joan Flora

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education

First Advisor

Dane Joseph, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Marc Shelton, Ed.D.


This systematic literature review responds to the need for research on clarity of what reflective thinking practice is and in determining the value of that practice for preservice teachers. While much has been written about preservice teacher reflective thinking, few studies have explored empirical research on the processes that inform and shape preservice teachers’ reflective practice. This study examines the existing literature to discern common themes in the diverse definitions of reflective thinking. This study also examines diverse frameworks that help teacher educators guide, analyze, assess, and measure the quality of preservice teacher reflective thinking. This study helps inform education preparation programs on program-level shifts to consider improving the quality of reflection for all preservice teachers and to realize critical reflection into taking action to provide outstanding educational opportunities and outcomes for each student. Findings from within the literature suggest preservice teachers’ thinking can be developed through instruction, pedagogical processes, and artifacts. This finding holds for preservice teachers in a wide range of grade levels and content areas.
