Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education

First Advisor

Debby Espinor, Ed.D

Second Advisor

Jenelle Stone, Ph.D.


This research provided Salem Keizer Public Schools (SKPS) with much-needed information on how to teach and grade secondary students on professional skills. The research was conducted at The Career Technical Education Center (CTEC) in Salem, Oregon. CTEC employs 35 staff members who serve 780 high school students. This research followed an improvement science dissertation in practice model (ISDiP) by implementing a 64-day Plan-Do- Study-Act (PDSA) cycle. A networked improvement community (NIC) met throughout the PDSA cycle to analyze and implement the research.

The NIC and CTEC staff developed a new system to teach, grade, and provide feedback on students' professional skills (communication, collaboration, productivity, and safety). This research analyzed the effectiveness of the new system, which was measured by teacher perception and student grade data.

The results from teacher perception data and student grade data indicated that the new professionalism system at CTEC effectively taught students professional skills.
