Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Education

First Advisor

Sara Hahn-Huston, D.Ed

Second Advisor

Jenelle Stone, Ph.D


I conducted this improvement science dissertation in practice (ISDiP) to determine what strategies could be implemented to improve percentage of the ninth-grade Native American students on-track for graduation. This study provides high schools with information that can be used to positively impact Native American student success in their freshman year of high school. I implemented a strategize, implement, analyze, and reflect (SIAR) cycle with at-risk freshman Native American students to support them at staying on-track with their credits as they moved through their ninth-grade year. A networked improvement community (NIC) met throughout the cycle to collect and analyze data, strategize how to best impact the students, implement those strategies, and then reflect on the effectiveness of the strategies. The results of the study showed a marked increase in the number of ninth-grade Native American students who were on-track at the end of the 1st semester when compared to the previous school year.
