Faculty Publications from 2024
The Struggle over Education's Purpose, Melanie Springer Mock
Faculty Publications from 2023
Environmental Aesthetics and Environmental Justice in Jonathan Edwards’s Personal Narrative and John Woolman’s Journal, Jay David Miller
John Woolman's Aesthetics of the Stranger, Jay David Miller
Towards a Literary History of Quaker Writing in the Atlantic World, Jay David Miller
Faculty Publications from 2022
Smoke Season, Harrison Dietzman
Review: "The Usufructuary Ethos: Power, Politics, and Environment in the Long Eighteenth Century.", Jay David Miller
"O, I have ta'en too little care of this": What Lear Learns in the Storm, Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2021
John Woolman, Jay D. Miller
William Penn’s Imperial Georgic and the Vernacular Landscapes of Pennsylvania in Eighteenth-Century Quaker Journals, Jay David Miller
The Matter and (mostly) Manner of Mere Christianity, Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2020
When the Worst People are the Best Rhetoricians: (Mis)using Rhetoric in C. S. Lewis’s The Last Battle, Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2019
"'[A] wholly new and original poetic genius': Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Emily Dickinson, and Literary Immortality", Harrison Dietzman
"Fault Lines in American Identity" Review Essay, Harrison Dietzman
“Friend Thou Art Often in My Remembrance”, Jay D. Miller
A Difference of Degree: Sayers and Lewis on the Creative Imagination (Chapter in The Faithful Imagination), Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2018
Book Review: Fat and Faithful: Learning to Love Our Bodies, Our Neighbors, and Ourselves, Melanie Springer Mock
Book Review: I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness, Melanie Springer Mock
Dismantling Privilege: A Review of “White Picket Fences”, Melanie Springer Mock
Finding the Intersections: A Review of “This Child of Faith”, Melanie Springer Mock
Raising Spiritual Kids in the Age of Instagram, Melanie Springer Mock
Reckoning With “Other Lies”: A Review of “Everything Happens for a Reason”, Melanie Springer Mock
Saving People From the Fiery Pits of Hell? A Review of “The Very Worst Missionary”, Melanie Springer Mock
The Limitations of Welcome: An Interview with Amy Jacober, Melanie Springer Mock
Why Mowing the Lawn can be Complicated (Chapter 6 from Worthy: Finding Yourself in a World Expecting Someone Else), Melanie Springer Mock
The Totality (Chapter in Into the Deep: An Unlikely Catholic Conversion), Abigail Rine Favale
C. S. Lewis' Ambivalence toward Rhetoric and Style, Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2017
“Moulder[ing] into nothingness among the rocks”: Sharpshooters in Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War, Harrison Dietzman
A Journey in the Direction of Love, Melanie Springer Mock
A Spirituality of Cycling: Review of “Holy Spokes: The Search for Urban Spirituality on Two Wheels”, Melanie Springer Mock
Kitchen-Sink Enlightenment: A Review of “Grace for Amateurs”, Melanie Springer Mock
Life Is Not a Pro/Con Proposition: A Review of Kassi Underwood’s “May Cause Love”, Melanie Springer Mock
Reigniting the Firebrand Heart, Melanie Springer Mock
Charles Williams: The Third Inkling (Book Review), Gary L. Tandy
What Love Looks Like, As I Recall, Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2016
Book Review: Staging Intercultural Ireland: New Plays and Practitioner Perspectives, Kathleen A. Heininge
Faith and God (Chapter 3 of "Reflections: Virginia Woolf and her Quaker Aunt, Caroline Stephen"), Kathleen A. Heininge
Beyond the Inward Light: The Quaker Poet in Community, Bill Jolliff
The Wide Reach of Salvation: Christian Universalism in the Novels of Denise Giardina, William Jolliff
Book Review: Between 2 Gods: Memoir of Abuse in the Mennonite Community, Melanie Springer Mock
Book Review: Come Back by Rudy Wiebe, Melanie Springer Mock
Books, Theology, and Hens: the Correspondence and Friendship of C. S. Lewis and Dorothy L. Sayers, Laura K. Simmons and Gary L. Tandy
Reflecting the Eternal: Dante's Divine Comedy in the Novels of C. S. Lewis (Book Review), Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2015
Living by the Code: Authority in Gerard Stembridge's The Gay Detective, Kathleen A. Heininge
The Quaker Poet in Community, William Jolliff
“The gold snake / coiled in the sun”: George Hitchcock and Kayak Magazine, Brooks Lampe
Book Review: Ordinary Miracles: Awakening to the Holy Work of Parenting, A Memoir with Pictures, and When the Roll is Called a Pyonder: Tales from a Mennonite Childhood, Melanie Springer Mock
Book Review: The Wittenbergs: A Novel by Sarah Klassen, Melanie Springer Mock
Chaoskampf, Abigail Rine
Maria Redux: Incarnational Readings of Sacred History (Chapter 7 of Building a New World), Abigail Rine
Faculty Publications from 2014
Book Review: Bonnet Strings: An Amish Woman's Ties to Two Worlds and Others, Melanie Springer Mock
Book Review: Letters and Life by Bret Lott, Melanie Springer Mock
On (Not) Fearing the Mystery of God (Chapter 8 of The Spirit of Adoption: Writers on Faith, Adoption, God, and More), Melanie Springer Mock
C.S. Lewis and Popular Culture: Echoes of Perelandra in LOST, Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2013
Guinness Go Leor: Irish Pubs and the Diaspora (chapter from Changes in Contemporary Ireland: Texts and Contexts), Kathleen A. Heininge
Review of Clabough's "Inhabiting Contemporary Southern and Appalachian Literature", Bill Jolliff
Review of McFee's "That Was Oasis", Bill Jolliff
Review of York's "Cold Spring Rising", Bill Jolliff
Bread-winning and Bread-baking: On Being a Provider, Abigail Rine
Don Draper Was Raped, Abigail Rine
No Rape Victim, Male or Female, Deserves to Be Blamed, Abigail Rine
The Child is the Father of the Man - Mad Men, Episode 8, Abigail Rine
The Postfeminist Mystique - Or, What Can We Learn from Betty Draper?, Abigail Rine
The Pros and Cons of Abandoning the Word 'Feminist', Abigail Rine
What About the Boys?, Abigail Rine
Why Some Evangelicals Are Trying to Stop Obsessing Over Pre-Marital Sex, Abigail Rine
Faculty Publications from 2012
Book Review: A Journey with Two Maps: Becoming a Woman Poet, Kathleen A. Heininge
A Christian Feminist Speaks Out on the Drone War in Pakistan, Melanie Springer Mock
Book Review of Doug Frank's Gentler God, Melanie Springer Mock
Book Review: When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present, Melanie Springer Mock
Review of Carver's "Cathedral", Polly Peterson
Faculty Publications from 2011
The Search for God: Virginia Woolf and Caroline Emelia Stephen, Kathleen A. Heininge
The Search for God: Virginia Woolf and Caroline Emelia Stephen, Kathleen A. Heininge
Redeeming the Serpentine Subtext: Dennis Covington's Appropriation of Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" in "Salvation on Sand Mountain", William Jolliff
Review of Worthington's "Motif (vol. 1) Writing By Ear: An Anthology of Writings About Music", William Jolliff
Truth-Telling in Four Books of Appalachian Poetry, William Jolliff
Book Review: Walking Gently on the Earth, Melanie Springer Mock
Life Writing and Mennonite Identity - Review: Essay of Mennonite Women's Memoirs, Melanie Springer Mock
The Economics of Bouncy Balls (Chapter in Just Moms: Conveying Justice in an Unjust World), Melanie Springer Mock
Between God and the Apple: Divinity, Violence and Desire in A.L. Kennedy's 'Original Bliss', Abigail Rine
Jeanette Winterson's Love Intervention: Rethinking the Future, in "Sex, Gender and Time in Fiction and Culture", Abigail Rine
Schwartz's "C.S. Lewis on the Final Frontier: Science and the Supernatural in the Space Trilogy" - Book Review, Gary L. Tandy
The Stylistic Achievement of Mere Christianity, Gary L. Tandy
Van Leeuwen's "A Sword between the Sexes? C.S. Lewis and the Gender Debates" - Book Review, Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2010
Caroline Emelia Stephen, Kathleen A. Heininge
Book Review: Girldrive: Criss-Crossing America, Redefining Feminism, Melanie Springer Mock
Book Review: Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home, Melanie Springer Mock
Celebrating Title IX As God’s Good Gift, Melanie Springer Mock
Cixous, Hélène, Abigail Rine
Phallus/Phallocentrism, Abigail Rine
Wittig, Monique, Abigail Rine
Miller's "The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia" - Book Review, Gary L. Tandy
Faculty Publications from 2009
The Search for Irishness (Chapter One of Buffoonery in Irish Drama: Staging Twentieth-Century Post-Colonial Stereotypes), Kathleen A. Heininge
Review of Chitwood's "From Whence", William Jolliff
Review of Green's "Coal: A Poetry Anthology", William Jolliff
Revisioning the Journey of Lewis and Clark: Frank X Walker's York Poems, William Jolliff
God’s Gift of Motherhood Comes in Different Ways, Melanie Springer Mock