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Excerpt: "Readers of scholarship about C. S. Lewis are familiar with studies that discuss his work and life in the context of his fellow Inklings: Tolkien, Williams, and Barfield. Janice Brown’s decision, however, to treat C. S. Lewis alongside two of his contemporary writers, both non-Inklings—Dorothy L. Sayers and T. S. Eliot—does demand an explanation. Brown must have recognized as much since she begins The Lion in the Waste Land by building a case for considering these three authors together, citing British historian Adrian Hastings, who identifies a “re-appropriation of Christian faith” during World War II and attributes this revival to the “Anglican lay literary and theological writers C. S. Lewis, T. S. Eliot, and Dorothy L. Sayers” (2)."


Originally published in the Journal of Inklings Studies, Volume 10 Issue 1, Page 75-78, ISSN 2045-8797 Available Online Apr 2020.
