Evangelical Friend, March/April 1990 (Vol. 23, No. 7/8)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
The Present Leadership of the Resurrected Lord. By Paul N. Anderson, page 2
Who is making the decisions in your life and in your church?To Lead Is to Invite Conflict Wisely. By Bernie Wiebe, page 6
What kind of leadership did Jesus model?Vital Parent Ministry. By David Williams, page 8
Effective youth ministry must include the family.The Parable of the Blind Man. By Gary Townsend, page 11
Have you been keeping your eyes open during worship?Christ the Key to Mystery. By Arthur O. Roberts, page 13
The transforming presence of Christ is revealed in nature, society, and ourselves.Can You Spot the Christian? By Prank Scurry, page 18
When does ten plus one equal three?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Read, 10
Friends Write, 12
The Growing Edge, 17
What About Our Friends? 20 -
Evangelical Friend, January/February 1990 (Vol. 23, No. 5/6)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Worship - How Can We Make It Work? By Mary Morse, page 2
Are you dissatisfied with your worship experiences?First Bolivian Triennial. By Tina Knight, page 7
From meeting place to meals God helped provide in wonderful ways for this premier gathering.Friends and the Lord's Supper. By Del Coppinger, page 8
Finding the true elements of Christian communionRitual in Worship Is Okay. By Rebecca Thomas Ankeny, page 10
Can rituals increase your faith?Music Belongs in Our Worship. By David J. Howard, page 12
A deeper look at why and how we should sing togetherSteps Toward Effective Music in Worship. By Robert N. Ham, page 14
Worshipful music doesn't always just happen. Here are some ways to help it occur in your church.Finding a Home Among Friends. By Colin Saxton, page 18
What one seeker found with QuakersEvangelical Friends International Becomes Reality, page 28
Significant decisions made at January meetingRegular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
The Growing Edge, 6
Friends Read, 17
What About Our Friends? 19 -
Evangelical Friend, November/December 1989 (Vol. 23, No. 3/4)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
A Tribute to Our Friend Jack. By Arthur O. Roberts, page 2
Reflections on an amazing lifeA Time to Reflect on Poverty. By Leonard S. Kenworthy, page 6
Have you really done everything you can?Thanks, Lord, for My Children. By Tammy Bray, page 8
A peek at ourselves through God's eyesThank You, Lord... page 11
A potpourri of blessingsFinding New Life in Christ. By Grace Davis, page 12
Even the disciples had a lot to learnModels for Church-Pastor Relationships. By Chuck Orwiler, page 14
Balancing the act of the churchRegulare Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
A Certain Shaft of Light, 9
Friends Write, 17
What About Our Friends? 18
Out of the Silence, 28 -
Evangelical Friend, September/October 1989 (Vol. 23, No. 1/2)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Good News in a Broken World. By Howard R. Macy, page 2
Just what is "Good News" and who needs it?A Teenage Perspective on Sunday School. By Shelly Pruitt, page 7
What's a Sunday school teacher for?Coerced or Called? By Frank Engle, Jr., page 8
Making the most of volunteersAllowing Your Sunday School to Grow. By Carol Williams, page 10
Is there a successful recipe for Sunday school growth?Breathing Life into Adult Sunday School. By Celia Mueller, page 12
"We are too often limited in our thinking by what we've done before."Pastors Value Sunday School. By Dorothy Barratt, page 13
Leaders evaluate Sunday school potentialEducational Ministries on Wednesday Night. By Margaret DeVol Mosher, page 14
What can you do when Sunday school doesn't succeed?Regular Features
Friends Read, 6
Friends Write, 15
Speaking the Truth, 17
What About Our Friends? 18 -
Evangelical Friend, July/August 1989 (Vol. 22, No. 10/11)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Editorials, page 2
Challenging Quakers to rethink some traditional ideasA Common Commitment to Quaker Christian Life, page 6
Differences and similarities of two Friends organizationsFrom Newberg to Kenya, with Love. By Ron Woodward, page 8
A look at the changing face of a mission fieldPublishing Truth, Together. By Louise M. Sargent, page 10
The past, present, and future of Quaker literatureFriends Perspectives on Ministry. By John Carter, page 12
Five Quaker pastors comment on the condition and future of QuakerismFocus on Friends. By Anne Perkins and Michael Henley, page 14
Two Christians who have learned to be "salt and light" in their careersFun, Witness, and Growth. By Tom Klaus, page 16
The future of Friends youth is the future of Friends - what is happening among our young people?Let's Make a Deal, page 28
On trading pitchers ... or make that preachersRegular Features
Friends Write, 4
What About Our Friends? 20 -
Evangelical Friend, June 1989 (Vol. 22, No. 10)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
A New Ministry of Spiritual Renewal - an interview with Richard Foster, page 2
Gaining strength from the full breadth of our Christian heritageOur Mission Field Came to Us. By John Pierce, page 6
Ministering cross-culturally without leaving homeA Refugee Ministry a Decade Later. By Elaine Cronk, page 8
"... it was the Lord who brought them here."The Elders' Call to Minister to the Pastor. By John Stuart, page 11
"Th whom does the pastor tum for counseling...?"Delayed, but Not Diverted. By Betty M. Hockett, page 12
Anna Nixon spent three years in a Japanese internment camp, but that was only the beginning...Becoming a Christian - and Remaining One. By Clare Willcuts, page 14
Do Christians have problems?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Out of th Silence, 10
Friends Write, 15
What About Our Friends? 18
Certain Shaft of Light, 28 -
Evangelical Friend, May 1989 (Vol. 22, No. 9)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Our Vision as Friends. By Paul Neville, page 2
The certainty that makes Quakers distinctiveFrom a Note to a Melody to a Symphony. By Larry Costner, page 6
"If I am a Christian, what can I say?"A Call to Renewal, Growth, and Mission. By Jack C. Rea, page 8
Facing the future of FriendsWho's Who in the Kingdom of God. By Timothy R. Kelley, page 10
How can you qualify for this honor?The Church Growth Movement Among Friends. By Robert Blake, page 13
Can our churches grow without losing their "Quakerness"?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Read, 12
What About Our Friends? 18
The Growing Edge, 28 -
Evangelical Friend, April 1989 (Vol. 22, No. 8)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Christians under Siege. By James D. Foster and Mark R. McMinn, page 2
How do we avoid being "sucked into the strange world of Christian extremists"?Internships: A Way to Develop Effective Pastors. By Gayle D. Beebe, page 6
Why does a broad range of experiences develop a better leader?Capstone Experiences in Life. By Darrell B. Warner, page 8
How does the "graying of America" affect the church?A Beginner's Guide to the Christian Classics. By Gary K Fawver, page 11
"Can the church fathers and medieval writers ... have relevance to the average evangelical?"The Church - The New Extended Family. By A. J. Ellis, page 15
'Who is my mother and who are my brothers?"Try It for Yourself. By Lauren King, page 28
Are we afraid to share our enjoyment of Christianity?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Write, 10
Out of the Silence, 14
What About Our Friends? 19 -
Evangelical Friend, March 1989 (Vol. 22, No. 7)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Joseph John Gurney - An Admiring View from a British Quaker. By John Punshon, page 2
The brother of Elizabeth Fry made his own mark on Quakerism.The Patient with the Smile on Her Face. By Marjorie Crisman, page 7
A time of tragedy is mixed with blessings.You Can Have Substance, Not Just Form. By Richard O. Bezek, page 11
Are we choosing the good part?A Worship-feast of Silence and Sharing. By David Jaquith, page 12
Making the most of this rich traditionA Consultant Could Help Your Church Grow. By Stan Perisho, page 14
Would your church benefit from a second opinion?I Hate to Admit It, But... By Stan Thornburg, page 28
What would you like to get off your chest?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Write, 6
The Growing Edge, 9
Friends Read, 10
A Certain Shaft of Light, 13
What About Our Friends? 16 -
Evangelical Friend, January/February 1989 (Vol. 22, No. 5/6)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Giving an Ingrown Church an Outward Focus. By Frank Tillapaugh, page 2
Changing managers into ministersEmily and Mandy: Saved by Prayer. By LaVern Muhr, page 6
Inspiring examples of God's grace and loveA Wheelchair with Eagles' Wings. By Liz Lucey, page 9
"The doctors can't say what the Lord is going to do."Bearing with, Bearing Through. By Karen Bates-Smith, page 16
How does God's grace touch the difficulties in our lives?Do You Hate to Make Decisions? By Susan Kendall, page 17
How to make better choicesRegular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Read, 8
Friends Write, 10
A Certain Shaft of Light, 12
What About Our Friends? 19
The Growing Edge, 28 -
Evangelical Friend, December 1988 (Vol. 22, No. 4)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
The Miracle of the Incarnation. By Irv Brendlinger, page 2
Why has this simple truth caused so much controversy in the church?What Can Friends Offer the City? By Marlene Pedigo, page 6
Are we resting on our laurels or living up to our heritage?The Call to Urban Ministry. By Virginia O Phillips, page 8
How do we react when our mission field is right outside our church walls?Finding Our Own Witnessing Style. By Gene Christian, page 11
Doing what comes naturally for the KingdomMust We Have Rules? By Lauren King, page 12
Is it possible to live a Christian life without them?Husband and Wife Teamwork in Pastoral Ministry. By Larry Kinser, page 14
How integral is the spouse in your pastor's ministry?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Out of the Silence, 10
Friends Read, 16
What About Our Friends? 18 -
Evangelical Friend, November 1988 (Vol. 22, No. 3)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Elizabeth Comstock: A Woman Worth Remembering. By Carole Spencer, page 2
"The Elizabeth Fry of America"Are You a Left-Brain or Right-Brain Christian? By Alvin Anderson, page 6
Loving God with all your heart, soul, and MINDChrist's Prescription for Low Self-esteem. By David Bradshaw, page 8
Good medicine from the Great PhysicianSabotaging Jesus' Command. By Conrad H. Wilcox, page 11
A peek at Satan's planThe Interim Pastor - A Special Kind of Minister. By Gerald W Dillon, page 14
Can being caught in between be a positive experience?Do We Hear the Call of the Unborn? By Carlyle C Davis, page 16
Who will speak for those who cannot speak for themselves?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
A Certain Shaft of Light, 10
Friends Read, 12
What About Our Friends? 18
The Growing Edge, 28 -
Evangelical Friend, October 1988 (Vol. 22, No. 2)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Running the Yellow Lights. By Charles Mylander, page 2
Is your marriage affair-proof?A Call to Minister, Not to Escape. By Bernie Wiebe, page 6
Who are we to think we can minister to AIDS victims?A Friends Concern. By Joy Poor, page 8
The new leprosyQuakers Are Different. By Jack L. Willcuts, page 11
A peek into what the "original Quakers" have becomePastor, We Need You. By John Ryser, page 12
Is there a modern substitute for this time-honored vocation?Stephen Grellet: Are We Following His Example? By Tim Hagen, page 14
How much do you know about his part in our Quaker heritage?The Life of New Beginnings. By John P Williams, page 15
No matter what age, change is essential to growth.Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Write, 10
Friends Read, 17
What About Our Friends? 19
Out of Silence, 28 -
Evangelical Friend, September 1988 (Vol. 22, No. 1)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Outreach Success That Seemed Like Failure. By Chuck Mylander, page 2
Counting people instead of numbersExciting Results of Church Planting. By Dennis Mote, page 3
Targeting the unchurched in Richmond, VirginiaFruit Remains in China. By Lucy Anderson, page 6
Friends work in China grew from one nurse to a mighty harvestSatan's Shortcuts. By Rendel Cosand, page 10
Does the end justify the means?A Quaker Visitor to Russia. By Jack L. Willcuts, page 12
Walking through newly opened doorsA Life-changing Mission Visit. By Lisa Mast, page 15
Nine reasons why this is an experience you can't missChris Was Ready for the Call. By Retha McCutchen, page 16
God prepares the soil; telemarketing plants the seedChurch Planters Dial Up New Members. By Carlene B. Hill, page 28
Telemarketing puts Friends in the newsRegular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Certain Shaft of Light, 11
Friends Write, 11
Friends Read, 14
What About Our Friends? 18 -
Evangelical Friend, July/August 1988 (Vol. 21, No. 11/12)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
From Corn Fields to the Inner City. By Marlene Pedigo, page 2
A farm girl sows seeds and reaps a harvest in the ghettoCalled to a Ministry of Printing. By Bruce and Jan Allen, page 6
From printing the news to printing the good news-the growth of a ministryGod Uses Haiti to Bless Our Church. By Hazel L. Brown, page 8
Spiritual ties between Oklahoma and an impoverished island nationDoing Something. By Chuck Orwiler, page 10
Televangelism in the mile-high cityGod's Economy. By Maurice Roberts, page 13
Riches that cannot be purchasedAn Angel Called Anna. By Gary Fawver, page 28
She came to retreat but left more than she tookRegular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Read, 12
A Certain Shaft of Light, 15
Friends Write, 16
What About Our Friends? 18 -
Evangelical Friend, June 1988 (Vol. 21, No. 10)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Living Stones in the Holy Land. By Ralph Beebe, page 2
A Christian's place and mission in the Jewish nationSpring Workouts in Sarasota. By John P. Williams, page 6
More than baseball is building in the sunny South.The Exciting History of Friends Missions. By Gene Pickard, page 8
Missionary activity is not static but ever-changing. Are we ready for the "new wave" of missions?Ben's Bridge to Home. By Madeline Pecora Nugent, page 13
The little rivet you provide may be holding someone's bridge together.Taking Care of the Temple. By John Palmer Miller, page 28
Are you being a good custodian?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Read, 12
Friends Write, 15
What About Our Friends? 18 -
Evangelical Friend, May 1988 (Vol. 21, No. 9)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Yearning for the Presence of God. By Howard Macy, page 2
"What does it really mean to long for God?"Lives of Compassion on the Reservation. By Betty M. Hockett, page 6
How one missionary couple gave of their lives to the Navajo peopleFoundations for Social Change. By Barbara Worden, page 8
Important ingredients for a successful revolutionWords Have Power. By Jerry W McCant, page 11
Beware of these invisible "sticks and stones."Tears for a Boy Named Christian. By Bud Warner, page 12
When parents give their children snakes and stonesA Warning to Youth. By Jamie Daniels, page 14
How one promising teen lost his dreamsWhat Does God Say About Suffering? By Walter R. Sheffield, page 16
Would people love God more if only the Christians survived a plane crash?On Being Rubber Stamps. By Lauren King, page 28
Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Read, 10
A Certain Shaft of Light, 15
What About Our Friends? 18 -
Evangelical Friend, April 1988 (Vol. 21, No. 8)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Evangelical Friends, Biblical Faith, and Public Life. By Ronald J. Sider, page 2
"What does it really mean to have a consistent life ethic?"The Message of Hope - Vital in Evangelism. By Paul Enyart, page 6
How is hope the center and backbone of Christianity?Is the Phone for You? By Randy Littlefield, page 8
"If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do for Jesus?"Feeling the Pain of Abortion. By Nellie Logan, page 12
"Every abortion is a forced abortion to the baby."Lifeline - A Compassionate Alternative. By Ed Kidd, page 13
Putting feet to your convictionsRegular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
A Certain Shaft of Light, 11
Out of the Silence, 15
Friends Read, 16
What About Our Friends? 19 -
Evangelical Friend, March 1988 (Vol. 21, No. 7)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
The Shepherding Pastor or the Priesthood of Believers. By Bruce Bray. page 2
Whos really in charge?Keeping in Step. By David L. Johns, page 6
Is there any place for our Friends heritage when ministering in modern society?On the Cutting Edge: A New Glimpse of Missionary Heroism. By Margaret Lemmons, page 10
An open window into the dramatic lives of a missionary familyWhat Do You Say When There Is No Cure? By Kay Lindloff, page 12
Helpful suggestions for ministering to the terminally ill or permanently disabledOpen Worship. By Craig Hayes, page 14
How can a period of 'silence' be one of the most effective ministries of the church?What's in the Mystery Box? By Chuck Orwiler, page 28
How are you helping people to know what's inside?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Read, 8
Friends Write, 16
A Certain Shaft of Light, 17
What About Our Friends? 18 -
Evangelical Friend, January/February 1988 (Vol. 21, No. 5/6)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Hearing and Obeying God's Call. By Robert Hess, page 2
How does God call us, and what is He asking us to do?Angels of Apocalypse? By John W. Oliver, page 6
AIDS, apartheid, abortion, and atomic weapons are signaling new dangers for mankind and the Church.How Liberating are the Liberal Arts? By Richard J. Foster, page 8
What is the difference between a liberal arts education and a college degree?Remembering. By Karen Bates-Smith, page 12
Have we experienced God? Or do we simply know about Him?The Friends Basis for Holiness. By Charles Ball, page 14
Are Christians free from sin?It was Worth It! By Charles Mylander, page 28
A delegate reports on Guatemala '87.Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Out of the Silence, 11
What About Our Friends? 18 -
Evangelical Friend, December 1987 (Vol. 21, No. 4)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
From Atheist to Believer: An Amazing Journey. By Louise Sargent and Gary Bernard, page 2
A pastor's wife and a new believer share their experience in evangelism.His Name Is Wonderful. By Jack L. Willcuts, page 7
What can three visitors from the East teach us through their observations?Expecting a Birth. By Sandy Wild, page 9
The indwelling Christ - What did it mean to Mary? What does it mean to us?Can 'Secular' Literature Help Us Find Christian Truth? By Gayle Beebe, page 10
Can a novel help you see a more realistic picture of yourself and the world?Must the Church and Science Battle for the Truth? By Kent L. Thornburg, page 13
Can Reverend Whitecollar and Dr. Labcoat resolve their conflicts?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Read, 6
Friends Write, 12
What About Our Friends? 17
A Certain Shaft of Light, 28 -
Evangelical Friend, November 1987 (Vol. 21, No. 3)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Sharing Joy Behind Bars. By Janet Johnston, page 2
Prison ministry - Is God calling you?A Message for Every Culture. By Ron Stansell, page 6
Christians have a responsibility to think internationally, not nationalistically.We Can Help Set People Free. By Nancy Jeffers, page 8
Adult children of alcoholics have unique struggles. How can we understand them?The Barnabas Connection. By Eugene Coffin, page 10
Congregations need encouragement. Where does it come from and what does it do?Friends Can Be Exceptional. By Robert Hess, page 12
How can our church become exceptional?Enlisting in the Battle Against Pornography. By Peggy Roberts, page 14
Many segments of society are uniting to fight what is already illegal.They Hunger in Silence. By Bruce Bibby, page 18
Feeding the hungry is sometimes more than soup and bread.Are We Neglecting Our Singles? By David Conant, page 28
Does your church suffer from "homophobia"?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Write, 16
Friends Read, 17
What About Our Friends? 19 -
Evangelical Friend, October 1987 (Vol. 21, No. 2)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Friends Missions
What's happening in the places where Friends have taken the Gospel?
2 - Bolivia
3 - Bolivian Evangelical University, Burundi
7 - Caribbean and Central America (Jamaica, Cuba, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico)
8 - China
9 - East Africa (Friends Bible Institute, Turkana, Kaimosi Friends Hospital, Lugulu Friends Hospital, Uganda, Tanzania)
10 - Hong Kong, India
11 - Indonesia, Mexico
12 - Peru, Philippines
13 - Ramallah, Rwanda
14 - Taiwan, U.S.A. (Associated Committee of Friends on Indian Affairs, Chicago Fellowship of Friends, Inner City in Southern California, Rough Rock)Isaac under the Knife. By Rebecca Ankeny, page 16
What does it cost parents and children to obey Christ's call to missionary service?Exporting Poison. By Gene Pickard, page 28
Why does our government promote the export of a product we have recognized as a killer?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Out of the Silence, 6
Friends Read, 18
What About Our Friends? 19 -
Evangelical Friend, September 1987 (Vol. 21, No. 1)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Probing Questions for a Forward-looking People. By Paul Anderson, page 2
What are the questions Quakers need to ask as we look toward the future?Why a New Magazine? By Dean Gregory, page 6
No Cluttered Christianity. By Jack L. Willcuts, page 6
From Vol. 1, No. 1, Dean Gregory explains the reasons for a new magazine. In 1970 Jack Willcuts became editor following the death of Dean Gregory and shared his first editorial with Evangelical Friend readers.Reflections on EFA. By Merle A. Roe, Walter P. Lee, Gerald Dillon, page 8
Three Friends provide perspective on the Evangelical Friends Alliance by describing the way it was.God Has an Exciting Future for Evangelical Friends. By Jack C. Rea, Maurice Roberts, page 14
What should Friends expect? How should Friends respond to new opportunities? Where will changes be taking place?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
A Certain Shaft of Light, 12
Friends Write, 13
Out of the Silence, 16
What About Our Friends? 18 -
Evangelical Friend, July/August 1987 (Vol. 20, No. 11/12)
Evangelical Friends Alliance
Rethinking Jesus, Model of Leadership. By Howard Moore, page 2
"In exploring Jesus' model of leadership, two very simple items stand out, a towel and a basin:'The Quaker Church That I Know and Love. By Luke Cheng, page 6
From George Fox to a vision for the future of Friends in Taiwan, the presiding clerk of Taiwan Yearly Meeting shares feelings and insights about his church.The Faces of Homelessness. By Marjorie Hope (Young) and James Young, page 8
What can Americans do to deal with the root problems of homelessness?Summer Recreation and Re-Creation. By G. Roger Schoenhals, page 11
See what you can get out of your vacation rather than letting your vacation take a lot out of you.Abuse of the Elderly. By Grant Martin, page 12
What are the categories of abuse other than physical? Who are the people who would abuse an elderly person? How can abusive situations be detected?A Helpful Tool in Fighting Pornography. By Jim Foster, page 16
Pornography: What is it? What is the effect? What can be done?Regular Features
Speaking the Truth, 4
Friends Read, 15
What About Our Friends? 19
A Certain Shaft of Light, 28
"Since the days of the early apostolic church, Christians have felt an inner motivation for getting together for worship, for fellowship and for the work of compassionate service. There is an invisible, yet powerful force that draws together those of like faith and likemind.
Evangelical Friend initiates the publication concern to build more adequate and stronger lines of communication among Friends in our world of today" (Evangelical Friend, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg 5)
The Evangelical Friend was the official publication of the Evangelical Friends Alliance and was published monthly at 600 East Third Street, Newberg, Oregon 97132.
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