"Personality and Flourishing in Seminarians: A Single Case Study" by Kylee M. Peterson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


Graduate Department of Clinical Psychology

First Advisor

Celeste Jones, PsyD, ABPP

Second Advisor

Megan Anna Neff, MDiv, PsyD

Third Advisor

Mark McMinn, PhD


This research study utilized a single case design to meet the dual need of applying personality research to clinical populations (Costa Jr, 1991) and the necessity of creating a formative assessment for first-year master and doctoral students to facilitate flourishing in a complex profession. This was done with the primary aim of evaluating the effectiveness of the formative assessment program pilot across stake holders including the executive dean of a Portland seminary, psychologist consultant, and ministry students. The method for this pursuit was an explanatory single case study which includes reviewing quantitative & qualitative student feedback survey data and interviews with the seminary executive dean & psychologist consultant. Findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the formative assessment across stakeholders and provide preliminary population-based personality profile data.

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Psychology Commons
