Dissertations from 2024
Impact of Head Injuries on Executive Functioning and Emotional Regulation, Kaitlin Allison
The Effect of Completing the ACE Questionnaire on Electrodermal Activity, Nicholas P. Cherry
Waking the Nightmare: Understanding the Relationship Between Trauma and Sleep in Children, Jacklyn Ewald
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for the Houseless Population, Michelle Franke
Interrater Reliability Between Parents and Teachers Based on the Child’s Grade Level in a Rural Community: Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition, Samantha B. Godoy
Potential Effects of Political Polarization on Relational Variables in Mental Health Outcomes, Benjamin Hanks
Reliability Analysis of the BASC-3 SRP-A Content Scales with American Indian/Alaska Native Adolescents, Ryan Johnson
Examining a Virtual Neuropsychological Battery for Older Adults, Robert W. Kessler
Antisocial Personality Disorder and Trauma in Females, Marissa Lange
Relational Changes in a Study of Youth Diagnosed With Cancer, Emily C. Larsen Avnet
Vicarious Trauma and Doctoral Graduate Trainees: The Physiological Impact of High-Acuity Patient Care, Alicia M. Mann
Intimate Partner Violence and Parent Perceptions of Their Emotional Bond to Their Children, Lia T. McLanahan
Characteristics of Sex Trafficking Survivors Success in an Aftercare Program, Taylor McMillen
An Exploration of the Experience of BIPOC Students in Predominantly White Institutions, Lisanda Mojica
Spilling the T: Transmasculine Experiences with Testosterone Therapy, Kathryn Reinhart
Nature’s Relationship to Psychological Flexibility, Jake K. Sanders
The Impact of Nature Exposure on the Perceived Relationship Satisfaction of Adults with ADHD Symptomology, Chloe Sohl
Impacts of Stigma on Female Service Members, Alisha Weatherly-Kershaw
God Attachment, Health Locus of Control, Anxiety, and Health Behaviors During Covid-19 Among College Undergraduates at a Religious University, Jessica K. Wilbur
The Effects of Resilience on BIPOC Graduate Students' Mental and Physical Health, Shelby N. Wilson
Sense of Purpose and Sustaining Attention, Jiayi Yu
Dissertations from 2023
Relative Impact of Human & Natural Trauma on Psychological Functioning, Javeen Lynette Beard
The Relationship of Religious Coping to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Expression of Traditional Masculinity, Jake D. Bigon
Trauma Clusters and IORNS Measure for Sex Offense Treatment Outcomes, Katherine Carlson
Virtuous Dialogues: A Study on Wisdom and Quiet Ego in Church Settings, Jeffrey A. Dunkerley II
Retention Rates in Medication for Opioid Treatment: The Effects of Social Determinants of Health, Melissa Flores
Political Polarization in College Students, David Franks
Increasing Conceptual Clarity of ACT Interventions for Burnout: A Novel Workshop for Women in Ministry, Lydia Hogan
COVID-19 and Fall Rates in Older Adults: Longitudinal Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on Geriatric Fall Rates in a Care Facility, Britton Holman
Body Shame and Wellness: Consequences of Being Fat, Edith Halina James
Callosal Malformations: Developmental Impacts and Parental Adjustment During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kera Larson
Videoconference Administration of the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System, Zachary T. Stine
Relationships Between Burnout, Isolation, Secondary Trauma, and Self-Compassion in Mental Health Providers, Michael Underriner
Impacts of Stigma on Female Service Members, Alisha Weatherly-Kershaw
Psychologists-in-Training Attitudes Towards Complicated Grief, Caroline A. Williams
The Adult Moral Injury Scale: An Initial Validation Study, Robert Wingerter
Thwarted Belongingness and Burdensomeness as Moderators Between Entrapment and Suicide Ideation in College Students, Tupelo Witte
Relationship of Resilience with Well-Being and Loneliness in Individuals with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness, Krysta Young
Dissertations from 2022
Prayer of the Body: Reflections on Archetypal Divine Feminine Figures in Embodied Spirituality, Sarah Bond
Physiological Coregulation Intervention Over Video Call in New Relational Dyads, Zachary G. Buckles
The Relationship of Medical Provider Humility, Empathy, and Competency on Patient Satisfaction, Stephanie Burkhard
Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum: Developmental Trajectories Through Childhood, Kristin Eddy
Mental Health Literacy Among University Educators, Danni Ewing
Impact of a Recreational Outdoor and Adventure Program on Adolescent Well-Being, Mitchell J. Fritz
The Virtue of Solidarity: A Profile and Intervention, Marshal P. George
Vicarious Trauma and Doctoral-Level Trainees: Self-Care Practices, Elisabeth B. Gibson
Nature and Perspective on God: The Differential Impact of Long Versus Short Adventure Programming for College Students, Alexandra Heinle
Is Ego Strength a Trait That Contributes to Trauma Resilience?, Matt Hiltebrand,
The Relationship Between Therapist Adverse Childhood Experiences, Personal Therapy, Resilience, and Treatment Outcomes, Elizabeth J. Nunez
Personality and Flourishing in Seminarians: A Single Case Study, Kylee M. Peterson
Resilience, Spirituality and Cultural Connectiveness within the Native American/American Indian Indigenous Population, Lindsay Price
Bipolar Screening Among Spanish-Speaking US Residents Using the Mood Disorder Questionnaire, Emanuel T. Recinos
The Psychological and Physiological Markers of Christian Meditation: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Centering Prayer, Sean E. Robertson
The Influence of Personality and Trauma on the Outcomes of Sex Offender Treatment in an Outpatient Setting, Nicholas R. Rogers
Impact of Covid-19 Quarantine on U.S. Adults, Shelby Rubino
Personality and Behavioral Characteristics: A Study of Court Populations, Markayla Shattuck
Psychological Factors that Interfere with Provider Use of Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder, Courtney Spencer
Predicting Sexual Offense Treatment Completion Through Specific Responsivity Factors, Blain Cameron Stumpf
Checking In On "Check-Ins": A Phenomenological Look at Personal Disclosures in Quasi-Supervision Groups, Aaron Stusser
Comparing Cognitive and Behavioral Profiles in School-Aged Children with Specific Learning Disorder and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Anna van Asselt
Emotional CPR (Connect, Partner Respond): Outcome Evaluation of a School-Based Intervention for Child and Adolescent Suicidality, Elisabeth Wise
A Meta-Analysis: The Relationship Between Connectedness to Nature and Well-Being, Naomi Wu
Relational Variables Associated with Self-Reported Political Idealogy, Dalton Young
Dissertations from 2021
Experience of Loss and Resilience in Persons with Chronic Pain, Lauren Abshire
Golf Brain: A Neuropsychological Study of Performance in Competition, Taylor S. Broughton
The Role of Hope, Resilience, Religious Coping and Religious Problem Solving in College Students’ Development, Vanessa M. Campo
Influencing Attitudes of Youth and Law Enforcement, Megan Church
Awe in the Helping Professions: Approaching Well-Being for Graduate Trainees Through Transcendent Emotion, Anna Forcelle
C.H.A.N.G.E.: Strengthening Resiliency in Pregnancy, Joanna L. Harbets
Social Network Analysis as a Predictor of Communication Patterns in a Small Group, Consuela Hegeman
Reliability Analysis of the BASC-3 SRP with American Indian/Alaska Native Adolescents, Nathan Higa
Religion's Impact on Sexual Experiences and Attitudes Among Women: Exploring Sexual Satisfaction and Sex Guilt, Maria Lytle
The Effect of the Political Climate on Latinos’ Wellbeing, Magda E. Mendoza Soto
Deployment Stress and Parenting Self-Efficacy Among Spouses of Members of the Armed Forces, Luisa E. Miller
The Effects of Psychoeducation on Emotion Regulation in High School Athletes, Kami Naber
Psychometric Validation of the BRIEF2 Spanish Version on a Latin Community, Natalia Rich-Wimmer
Preventing Burnout: The Role of Personality and Awareness in Early Career Mental Health Professionals in Acute Settings, Whitney J. Standal Schollars
ADHD Performance on Nonverbal Measures of Set Shifting and Working Memory, S. Hans Stoltzfus
Prenatal Polysubstance Exposure (PPE) and ADHD: Comparison of Behavior Profiles in Children and Adolescents, Rana Tanios
Dissertations from 2020
The Phenomenology of Oneiric and Visionary Experiences from a Native American Sample, Jeavoni Alejandre
Shame, Trauma, Resiliency and Alcohol Related Behaviors in Puerto Rican Populations, Manuel Blasini-Méndez
Developing Norms for a Behavioral Profile of FASD for a Mexican-American Population, Ana Colunga-Marin
Do Anxiety, Depression, and Mental Health Treatment Impact Christian College Student Religiosity/Spirituality?, Matthew J. Ditty
Early Childhood Neurodevelopmental Profiles: Premature and Small for Gestational Age Infants, Alicia Gibson
The Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention: A Neuropsychological Perspective using an Electroencephalography, Elizabeth Mary Grace
Suicide Risk Assessment: An Evaluation of Graduate Students with the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale, Savannah Hamilton
Tracing Ripples: The Impact of Parent ACEs on Next Generation Development and the Moderating Role of Parent Resilience, Laura M. Hoffman
Examining Racial Bias within the Items of the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool – Criminal Adjudication, Isolde Hughes
Does Christian Faith Impact Loneliness?, Jeffrey M. Kelly
Experiences of Hope, Resilience and Spirituality in Kenyan Children and Adolescents, Anne King
Behavioral Health Crisis Intervention for Emergency Department Patients Pending Psychiatric Hospitalization, Colten Wayne Larsen
Defining an Adult Screener for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Study of Court Populations, Allison Mushlitz
Dissociation and Metacognition: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Richard E. Nalbandian
Effect of Solution-Focused Therapy on Resilience in Athletes: An EEG Study, Lori Napier
HIV/AIDS Training: A Study of Stigma Reduction, Elisabeth A. Owen