"Emotional CPR (Connect, Partner Respond): Outcome Evaluation of a Scho" by Elisabeth Wise

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


Graduate Department of Clinical Psychology

First Advisor

Celeste Jones, PsyD, ABCCAP

Second Advisor

Jeri Turgesen, PsyD, MSCP, ABPP

Third Advisor

Kristie Knows His Gun, PsyD, ABPP


Introduction. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a universal, school-based program (Emotionally- Connect, Partner, Respond [E-CPR]) that seeks to improve adolescent attitude, confidence in ability to respond to a peer in crisis and ability to identify adequate crisis intervention skills. Methods. E-CPR includes a didactic portion with emphasis on knowledge and attitudinal components and role play activities to enhance skill-building. To test the effectiveness of E-CPR a comparison group was gathered using an online survey platform. Results. There was a significant difference in pre-test to post-test scores for the participants such that attending E-CPR increased participants likelihood to endorse confidence in their ability to respond to a peer in crisis, endorse adequate crisis intervention skills, and increased comfort seeking resources for a peer in crisis. Compared to the control group, youth who received E-CPR training were not found to differ significantly in their confidence in ability to respond to a peer in crisis. The intervention group of school leader scored significantly higher on perceived competence and comfort accessing an adult or resource compared to the general high school population. Conclusion. E-CPR is an effective intervention to improve student-leader support towards peers experiencing emotional health crisis including suicide risk. However, compared to the general high-school student control group, the intervention group of student leaders in this study had increased competence and resource-seeking comfort at the outset, but similar confidence ratings. Future studies are required to explore generalizability to a more universal high school.

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