Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)
Graduate Department of Clinical Psychology
First Advisor
William Buhrow, PsyD
Second Advisor
Kathleen Gathercoal, PhD
Third Advisor
Brad Lau, EdD
The primary purpose of this current study was (a) to determine if significant differences existed in sexual and contraceptive behaviors of the Christian university sampled and the secular collegiate institutions in the reference group, and (b) to understand if differences existed within the Christian sample, using data from the spring 2006 American College Health Association-National College Assessment (ACHANCHA, n = 94,806). Participants in the Christian sample were pulled from the reference group sample and broken down into Environmental Group (EG, n = 46) participants (those not endorsing a relationship with Jesus Christ as important), and the Religious Group1 (RG1 , n = 858) participants (those endorsing a relationship with Jesus Christ as important). These participants were compared to stratified, random-matched samples, for age and sex, to the Reference Groupa,b (RFa, n = 858; RFb, n = 46). Next, EG was compared to the stratified, random-matched sample Religious Group2 (RG2 , n =46) to determine differences in sexual behavior within the Christian university. Results showed significant differences in reported number of sexual partners and number of sexual activities between the Christian university and reference group, with fewer partners and activities for the Christian university. Contraceptive use differed little between the two populations, while a comparison of the Christian university (EG v. RG2 ) showed no difference in the reported number of sexual partners or oral sex activities, but a significant difference in reported vaginal and anal sexual activities, with fewer reported sexual activities for RG2 . These findings suggest significant differences did occur within the Christian university and between the reference group; and provide relevant information for choosing a university and depicts the impact of religiosity on the reduction of sexual activities.
Recommended Citation
Nelson, Jeff MA, "Differences in Sexual Behavior & Contraceptive Use in Religious and Non-Religious Universities: A Comparison Using the National College Health Assessment" (2007). Doctor of Psychology (PsyD). 524.
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