Document Type
Research Poster
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Falls account for >$50 billion of medical spending in 2015 (CDC). Real-time haptic feedback shows promise at reducing static standing COM sway (Meszaros, 2019). Pilot data variability suggests that some haptic-wearers ‘over-correct’ (unnecessarily reducing available degrees of freedom), when haptic correction is perceived as ‘a mistake. Does over-correction reduce multi-segment control and impair sway stability (Hsu, Scholz, et al. 2007)?
Recommended Citation
Meszaros, Andrew; Dorociack, Robin; Jang, Peter; Lehr, Tanner; and Mohl, Bayli, "Is Sway-Referenced Haptic Assistance Sensitive to Perceptual Context" (2024). Student-Faculty Research - College of Physical Therapy. 70.
Included in
Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment Commons, Physical Therapy Commons
Presented at the 10th annual symposium of College of Physical Therapy research, Wednesday, Feb 7, 2024, at George Fox University in Newberg, OR.