For two years, professors and students work collaboratively on a research project, culminating in a presentation to our community-wide research symposium.


Projects from 2025


Accuracy of Sagemotion IMU-tactor with Knee Hyperextension During Gait, Peter Beach, Peter Jang, Maddy Wagar, and Andrew Meszaros


Influences on Peak Effort During 1 Minute Sit to Stand Test, Claire Davidson, Maggie Smith, Destinee Thomas, Taylor Wright, Rebecca Dobler, and Jeff Houck


Influences of Lower Limb Strength and Rate of Torque Development on Recovery from a Backwards Balance Loss, Vadim Drake, Julie Gage, Madison Morris, Lyndsay Stutzenberger, and Gabe Haberly


Blood Flow Restriction to Expedite Acute Concussion Recovery: A Literature Review, Eddie Dudum, Madeleine O’Hare, Madeleine O’Hare, Caleb Rauch, Ashlee Rising, and Scott Burkhart


First of It's Kind: Primary Care PT in Pediatrics! Implementing a Walk-in Pediatric Physical Therapy Service Co-Located with Primary Care Pediatrics: A Pilot Study for Possibility, Antonia Duerre, Kierstyn Ray, Taryn Conwell, and Ryan Jacobson


Subjective Outcome Measures and Floor Transfer Ability in CommunityDwelling Older Adults, Brianna Helton, Marisa Doveri, Shelby Peerboom, Emily Thomson, Lyndsay Stutzenberger, and Tyler Whited


Changes in Rectus Femoris Strength and Size with Daily Single Leg BFR vs Daily Non-BFR Training in Recreationally Active Individuals, Terrell Kopping; DJ Wilson; Kenzie Ward; Kaileigh Dietrich-Denton,; Bethany Nguyen; and Jason Brumitt


Size-Weight Illusion during whole-body loading via squat, Aydan Parsons, Robin Dorociak, and Andrew Meszaros


Associations Between Physical Performance, Activity, and Reported Ability to Participate in Social Roles in Older Adults, Theresa Raudsepp, Christen Johnson, Isabella Mansley, Kaelynn Miller-Savoy, Karlie Stewart, Molly Shields, and Jeff Houck


Does Self-Soft Tissue Mobilization of Obturator Internus Reduce Nonrelaxing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?, Tess Swake, Katherine Briggs, Darschelle Desronvil, Caryn Jagla, and Camille Jouzeau


Comparison of Wingate Bike Test and 1-Min Sit-to-Stand Test Utilizing Blood Lactate and Patient Report, Tyler Whited, Mary Imboden, Jeff Houck, Hannah Quinn, Peter Weiss, Tony Huynh, and Garrett Cassio


Finger Touch and Trunk Haptics Impact COM Control During VR Perturbations, Ally Wong, Caitlyn Ward, Robin Dorociak, and Andrew Meszaros

Projects from 2024


IMU and Markerless Technology in Gait Analysis: Clinical Lessons, Jessa Barendse, Trevor Nannini, Joanna Zuckerman, Tess Swake, Robin Dorociak, Peter Jang, and Andrew Meszaros


Changes in Quadriceps Strength in Recreationally Active Individuals using Single-Limb or Double-Limb Blood Flow Restriction, Brogan Boen, Logan Cockrell, Olivia Aho, Taylor Bryant, Bethany Nguyen, and Jason Brumitt


Fatigue Changes Biomechanical Variables in Drop Vertical Jump Performance in Competitive Basketball Players, Isabella Bruno, Caroline Linardos, Michala Rennels, Kristina Williams, Robin Dorociak, Jaydee Romick, and Jason Brumitt


Hamstring Tendons Don’t Lie #EccentricsDontExist, Alec Espinoza, Chris Garcia, Enoch Ho, Ian Rousseau, Joel Centeno, Robin Dorociak, and Tyler Cuddeford


Implementing PT in Pediatric Primary Care, Juliann Fronius, Scout Cai, Courtney Hoffman, Carlee Martin, Joel Wiley, Chris Yuen, and Ryan Jacobson


Effect of Perturbation-Based Balance Training on Fall Risk and Fear of Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults – A Pilot Study, Lindsey Kelly, Casey Kostecki, Garrett Markham, Conner Morris, Trevor Strem, Lyndsay Strutzenberger, and Gabe Haberly


Does the Size-Weight Illusion Exist During Deadlift?, Dakota Kerbow, Luke Mallory, Robin Dorociak, Peter Jang, and Andrew Meszaros


Comparing Self-Reported Sleep Quality and Sleep Disturbance with Physical Activity in Community Dwelling Older Adults, Sophie LaRue, Morgan Hendley, Brandon Tandecki, Kirsten Cabrera, Faerynn Tilgner, Brad Higa, Christen Johnson, Cindy Zablotny, Theresa Raudsepp, and Jeff Houck


Is Sway-Referenced Haptic Assistance Sensitive to Perceptual Context, Andrew Meszaros, Robin Dorociack, Peter Jang, Tanner Lehr, and Bayli Mohl


Factors Affecting Peak Effort in Max Effort Tests, Amanda Pardue, Michael Forster, Taylor Kopecky, Zoralei Dayley, Jeff Houck, and Rebecca Dobler


In Vivo Behavior of the Soleus Muscle during Various Activities in Persons Post-stroke, Madison Swaney, Molly Carter, Mitchell McKinley, Joshua Nelson, Robin Dorociak, and Tyler Cuddeford

Projects from 2023


Effects of a Parkinson's Disease Community Exercise Group on Self Reported Promis Measures, Desiray Anderson, Alexis Creighton, Jillian Studer, and Tyler Cuddeford


Muscle Fascicle Length Changes of the Long Head of Biceps Femoris Muscle During Various Physical Activities, Rusty Batykefer, Austin Hardin, Kyla Gomes, Octavio Tan, Bryce Yamashita, Alwin Sacro, and Tyler Cuddeford


Proximal and Distal Effects Associated with Vascular Occlusion During Stationary Cycling, Jason Brumitt, Colton Cypert, Kelli Young, Kira Negrete, Kristin Dunn, McKenzie Moore, and Rainey Stoner


Perturbation-Based Balance Training added to a Fall Prevention Exercise Program and its Effect on Fall Risk and Fear of Falling in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Joseph Espero, Jeremiah Everett, Leanne Gehrke, Sage Goodman, Spencer Hall, Melody Hansen, Lyndsay Stutzenberger, Rebecca Dobler, and Gabe Haberly


"My Kid Said What?!" Participation and Promis Self-Report in Children with Long-Term Physical Disabilities, Ashlyn Fast, Emma Powley, Kauionalani Kekuawela, Natalie Teegarden, Samuel Miller, Thomas Ratana, Tyler Hammond, Winnie Lee, and Ryan Jacobson


Perception of Workload and Task Importance During Complex and Dual Task Conditions, Alicia Maul, Cody Lamont, Erin Zurbrugg, Gillian Berry, Katherine Armstrong, Lea Keenantasker, Patricia Eckart, Cindy Zablotny, Theresa Raudsepp, and Ryan Jacobson


How Does Perception Influence Motor Output: An Investigation Into the Size-Weight Illusion, Andrew Meszaros, Robin Dorociak, Alex Anderson, Cassie Allen, and Jennifer Vargas Vega


Effects of Context Perception and Haptic Feedback on Sway, Andrew Meszaros, Tess Swake, Robin Dorociack, Catherine Enger, Gavin Boen, Alex Johnston, and Braedon Miller

Projects from 2021


Can Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Augment Rotator Cuff Strength?, Stephen Alterado, Tyler Berg, Carsten Neumiller, BP Nguyen, Robert Reynoso, Jacob Stickell, and Jason Brumitt


Reflections of Communication Skills after Practicing Telehealth Physical Activity Screening Evaluations: Qualitative Study, Stephanie Blank, Carlos Falcon, Nicholas Heck, Isabelle Hoyven Cisneros, Gavin McBride, Matthew Miller, Rachel Tokuda, and Jeff Houck


Concurrent and Discriminant Validity of Biopsychosocial Patient Reported Outcomes with the Keele MSK Tool, P. Cain, K. Downey, Jeff Houck, J. Manning, M. Wilson, and M. Wong


Development of a Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) Question for Children with Consistent, Long-Term Disability, Meagan Dahl, Maddy St. John, Nicole Nelson, Kat Olennikov, Tara Paddock, Lisa Watson, Garth West, and Ryan Jacobson


Size-Weight Illusion: A Proof of Concept, Christopher Danford, Katie Jacobson, Peter Valentine, Mark Gumtang, Claire Schumock, Andrew J. Meszaros, and Robin Dorociak


Does an Integrated Survey and Single Session of Physical Therapy Counseling Activate People to Increase Physical Activity After Total Ankle Arthroplasty?, Jeff Houck, Marcey Keefer Hutchison, Ariana Blondo, Mark Holenstein, Clare Liu, Forrest Paxton, Haleigh Rabe, Megan Rogers, Frank DiLiberto, Patrick McMahon, and Brianna Becker


Relationship Among Measures of Self-Efficacy, Participation, Physical Function, & Real World Physical Activity in Chronic Stroke, Cindy Zablotny, Theresa Raudsepp, Zachary Christenson, Zachary LaBianco, Kerry Pine, Caroline Strode, Kaylee Vinson, and Kendall Woolf

Projects from 2020


Screening and Addressing Fatigue Symptoms in Patients with Orthopedic Problems Using the PROMIS Fatigue Scale, Breanna Becker, Karina Kreider, Hannah Lawrence, Kayla Winter, Caleb Zimmerman, Jeff Houck, and Li-Zandre Philbrook


Falls Risk Screening in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Austyn Byasse, Kevin Joines, Rachel Cundy, Carlos Navia, Virginia Edwards, Rachel Lineback, Cindy Zablotny, and Theresa Raudsepp


Validity of the Paper Pull Test for Strength in Patients with Hallux Valgus, Taylor Eckel, Alex Hughes, Jaymee Kau, Jessica Lumba, Kristen Omohundro, Kara Oshiro, Jeff Houck, and Marcey Keefer Hutchison


Changes in Tendon Thickness only Occurs in Patients with Achilles Tendinopathy, Sarah Garner, Kelsey Harnar, Jesus Soltero Plaza, Kevin Coriano, and Tyler Cuddeford


Qualitative Analysis of Reflective Narratives of Physical Therapy Students Attempting to Implement Biopsychosocial Approaches to Care, Ricardo Gonzalez, Sari Harris, Justin Lee, Patrick McMahon, Rebecca Wezensky, Jeff Houck, Daniel Kang, and Kevin Sellars


Blood Flow Restriction Training for the Rotator Cuff: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Zach Klemmer, Mike Stroud, Edward Cheng, Neil Cayanan, Sheldon Shishido, Jason Brumitt, Marcey Keefer Hutchison, and Daniel Kang


Can Cue Location Influence Postural Sway Control in a Post-Concussion Syndrome Case?, Andrew J. Meszaros, Alyssa Carey, Robin Dorociak, Erik Cronrath, Farah Makani, and Monica Martinez


Do Generic Health and Population Norm Based Outcomes Adequately Detect Change in Patients Attending Outpatient Physical Therapy?, Li-Zandre Philbrook, Jeff Houck, Jonah Koski, Kyle Johnston, Kyle Sumida, and Ben Wagar

Projects from 2019


Patellar Tendonopathy in Collegiate Volleyball Athletes, Justine Benner, Heidi Cooke, Colby Critchfield, Samantha Dunn, Sarah Eddy, and Linda Foremming


Can Preseason Performance Tests Discriminate Injury Risk in Female Collegiate Volleyball Players, Justine Benner, Heidi Cooke, Colby Critchfield, Samantha Dunn, Sarah Eddy, and Linda Froemming


Effect of a One-Time Cognitive Functional Therapy Intervention in Patients with Moderate to High Risk of Chronic Low Back Pain: Case Series Study, Tracy Broyles, Emily Stein, Talisa Swanson, Rusne Kuzmickas, Jeff Houck, Daniel Kang, and Li-Zandre Philbrook


Changes in Achilles Tendon Thickness Following a 10 – Week Heavy Load Eccentric Exercise Program, M. Carlson, B. Criswell, D. Dean, M. Gabourel, N. Merchen, Tyler Cuddeford, and Marcey Keefer Hutchison


Fall Risk Classification in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Validation of PROMIS-PF and Performance-Based Outcomes, Courtney Hanks, Elizabeth Pacol, Becca Tinker, Makenzi Wagner, Liz Weideman, Hannah Williamson, Cindy Zablotny, Theresa Raudsepp, and Jeff Houck


Validation of the Paper Pull Test for 1st Metatarsophalangeal Strength in Patients with Hallux Valgus and Healthy Controls, Jeff Houck, Marcey Keefer Hutchison, Ian Hockett, Cody Cataldo-Gillman, Jamie Kahn, and Geoffrey Kunita


The Effects of Haptic Feedback on Postural Sway, Andrew J. Meszaros, Brandon Crumpacker, Marc Gendelman, Peter Martin, Levi vanTol, and Pierre Zook


Sit-to-Stand Symmetry, Andrew J. Meszaros, Nick Gammie, April Nichols, Warren Ocano, Mitchell Prunk, Montana Rhoden, and Bill Walters


What Constitutes a Successful Result from a Patient Perspective? A Qualitative Analysis, Kelsey Riley, Matthew Roth, Oscar Rave, Will Lawrence, Chris Koch, and Jeff Houck

Projects from 2018


Changes in Achilles Tendon Thickness Following a 10-Week Heavy Load Eccentric Exercise Program, Tyler Cuddeford, Marcey Keefer Hutchison, Annika Piros, Jessica London, Andi Maleike, Tiffany Schoonover, and Madison Eymann


Kinetic and Kinematic Analysis of Male Collegiate Basketball Players with Patella Tendinosis, Dacia Heckendorf, Luke Hammer, Matthew Jeppson, Nicole Jones, and Katherine Porter


Community-Based Exercise & Wellness Program for Chronic Stroke - A Pilot Study, Christen Johnson, Daniel DeBates, Meggie Dallas, Morgan Johansen, Morgan Kilgore, Cindy Zablotny, and Theresa Raudsepp


Effect of Haptic Feedback on Static Standing Sway, Andrew J. Meszaros, Alyssa Carey, Jessica Hund, Morgan McCann, and Kindra McDougall


Sit-to-Stand Symmetry in Individuals with Hip Pathology, Andrew J. Meszaros, Allie Thomas, Alyssa Ware, Craig Hawkinson, Jaydee Romick, and Michelle Thoreson


Combined Exercise/Weight Bearing Program Influences of Foot Function in People with Asymptomatic Flat Feet, Alison Modafferi, Angela Foster, Brenden Thompson, Jean Jarbath, Shanna Howland, Tyler Whited, Jeff Houck, and Marcey Keefer Hutchison


Predicting Patients Acceptable Symptom State at Short Term Follow Up of a Collaborative Primary Care PT/MD Service, Catherine Vandehaar, Kevin Morikawa, Andrea Mulligan, Amador Marcano, Ceci Gutierrez, Jeff Houck, Daniel Kang, Tyler Cuddeford, and Sarah Rahkola

Projects from 2017


Are Preseason Functional and Biomechanical Measures Associated with Lower Quadrant Injury Risk in Division III Athletes?, Natalie Ellis, Jordan Petersen, Jordon Reyes, Victor WIlson, and CJ Zita


Stroke Survivor and Physical Therapist Perceptions of Community-Based Exercise in Northwest Oregon: A Qualitative Pilot Study, Angela Grenier, Megan Hofstede, Matthew Hornback, Sara Mason, Breanne Myers, David Sjelin, and Cindy Zablotny


Morphological Changes in Achilles Tendon Thickness Following an 8-week Heavy Load Eccentric Exercise Program, W. Howe, B. Telfer, J. Leung, M. Suzuki, C. Young, and Tyler Cuddeford


Developing an Auditory and Visual Cross-Modal Continuous Performance Task for Evaluating Concussion, Chris Koch, Taylor Charbonnier, Kristin Dissinger, Steven Egeberg, Matthew Johnson, Lindsey Levanen, and Matthew Scott


The Role of Balance and Neck Strength in Youth Concussion, Chris Koch, Jenny Neudorfer, Peter Heuberger, Tel Winegar, Calvin Lee, and Jarrett Fegel


Sit-to-Stand Symmetry in Individuals with Hip Pathology, Andrew J. Meszaros, Stephen Block, Jake Edwards, Brittany Jones, Elizabeth Keeler, Christina Ridley, and Ashley Yates


Influence of 4-Week Exercise Program on Clinical and Biomechanical Measures of Foot Function, Lacey Seidl, Josh Keefer, Miranda Walker, Austin Montgomery, and Jeff Houck


PROMIS Physical Function Scale Bookmarking and Validation, Luke Skerjanec, Amanda Tamanaha, Alex Wegner, Zane Wise, and Jeff Houck

Projects from 2016


Sit-to-Stand Symmetry in Individuals with Hip Pathology, Natash Bui, Andrew Carlson, Caitie Hepner, Ashlyn Logan, Travis Munnell, Bret Reordan, and Andrew J. Meszaros


Can the Nordic Hamstring Test Identify Collegiate Athletes at Risk for a Time-Loss Hamstring Injury?, Nathanael Bush, Erica Haessler, Jennifer Peet, Lisa Koslicki, Jake Watson, and Jason Brumitt


The Use of the Modified Vestibular Activities of Daily Living Scale in the Examination of Older Adults, Lauren Calvert, Shane Durando, Bethany Nguyen, Gregory Schuft, Luke Snelling, Theresa Raudsepp, and Cindy Zablotny


Validity of the PROMIS Physical Performance Scale in Determining Frailty and Physical Ability in Community-Dwelling Elderly, Jeff Houck, Tomoko Iwanaga, Christine Kieu, Keegan Lerma, Chelan Murasaki, and Tawny Souza


Clinical and Lab Based Measures of Physical Status Following Rehabilitation for Ankle Fractures, Jeffrey Houck


Preventing Running Injuries Using a Pre-Running Exercise Program (PREP): A Pilot Study, P. Jaques, T. McGrath, K. Rasmussen, J. Irwin, J. Winslow, M. Strong, G. Macias, and Tyler Cuddeford

Projects from 2015


The Asscociation of Habitual Shoe Wear with Ultrasound Defined Foot Muscle Morphology in Ugandan Participants, Lauren Bennett, Natalie Folkert, Alexander Grimsley, and Jessika McClune


Pre- and Post-Season Physical and Cognitive Testing of College Athletes Susceptible to the Effects of Concussion, Audrey Berning, Elsa Klump, Hannah Burkhart, Jeneca Thomas, and Stephanie Cahill


Reliability and Validity of the Modified Vestibular Disorders Activities of Daily Living Scale in Older Adult Balance Examination, Ashley Berry, Jammie Hoberg, Tiffany Stevens, Kayla Taylor, and Melissa Vetter


Effects of Implicit vs. Explicit Cueing on Dynamic Balance and Injury: A Grant Proposal, Curtis Dodson and Ryan Baugus


Pilot Data: Are Vertical and Lateral Hop Tests Appropriate for Patients Post-Ankle Fracture?, Jeff Houck, R. Spaulding, T. Weiss, and T. DeWilde


The Science of Running: Factors Contributing to Injury Rates in Shod and Unshod Populations, Ryan MacKenzie, Lene MacKenzie, Alicia Martinez, Marisol Cardoza, Tyler Cuddeford, and Jeff Houck


What are the Effects of Wearing Shoes on Foot Pressure?, David Moran, Drew Stewart, Josh Farrester, and Ryan Wiser


Effects of Eccentric Exercise on Tendon Loading and Ankle Power During a Single-leg Heel Rise and Lowering Tank, Derek Palmer, Jordan Visser, and Jason Beilstein