Policies | Quaker Religious Thought | George Fox University
Quaker Religious Thought


Quaker Religious Thought typically publishes papers presented at meetings of the Quaker Theological Discussion Group. Occasionally other submission are included or requested.

Address editorial correspondence to Jon Kershner via this web form: https://qtdg.org/contact/.

Send all business and subscription matters to:
Quaker Religious Thought c/o Phil Smith, Religion Department, George Fox University, Newberg, OR 97132

Print subscription rates:

Individuals, meetings, and churches in the USA -- $20 per year, two years $35
International individual subscriptions -- $35/year (no two year discount)

Students -- per year $15

Institutional libraries in the USA -- per year $40
International institutional libraries -- per year $60

Single back issue -- $6; Multiple back issues -- $4 each

Complete set of back issues -- $150

Lifetime subscription -- $300–500

European distribution:
Friends Book Centre
Euston Road, London, NW1 2BJ, England

Quaker Religious Thought is published two times each year.