Quaker Religious Thought


Derek Brown


I propose that a practical theology research paradigm, utilizing both inductive empirical and deductive theological modalities, can facilitate confessional practical theological and ecclesiological research with the increased partnership and cooperation of congregations in programmed Friends meetings. And there is a need for such efforts. Jen Buck has provided case studies of unbalanced hybridity between Evangelical Friends theology/ ecclesiology and other theo-denominational paradigms.1 Her image of “colonization,” used to describe the subordination of one doctrinal/cultural position by another, accurately describes the outcome of the uneven and contentious dialectic that is observed between the “evangelical” and the “Friends” identities within local and yearly meetings, with non-Quaker theological influences colonizing the ideological and identity-space left by a lack of familiarity of, or adherence to, or results in an active distrust of the Quaker distinctives by programmed Friends meetings.



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