"Frontmatter, Quaker Religious Thought, No. 137" by Jon R. Kershner
Quaker Religious Thought



Welcome to Quaker Religious Thought! This issue contains papers that were delivered at the November 2020 Quaker Theological Discussion Group meeting. The general topic of the sessions was ministry and the second panel, featured in this issue, addressed the question: “What is a Quaker theology of vocational ministry, and how is it enfleshed/embodied in community?” The resulting conversation addressed the wide array of contexts in which ministry takes place, challenges of ministry in a Quaker context, and testimonies to the role of discernment in guiding and supporting ministry. A hearty thanks to our authors, Ben Brazil, Robin Mohr, Emily Provance and Lloyd Lee Wilson for sharing their wisdom with us. This issue also includes a memorial for T. Vail Palmer, a valiant supporter of Friends and of Quaker Religious Thought, who died on February 5, 2021, at the age of 93. Paul Anderson’s reflections are touching and a significant example of the types of conversations Friends can have as they pursue Truth together. This volume concludes with two pieces by English Friend Mark Bredin. In his article, Bredin addresses Lucretia Mott’s “empathetic” reading of Isaiah, which is informed by T. Vail Palmer’s work, and, so, fittingly included in this issue. Next, Bredin reviews Michael Birkel’s Quakers Reading Mystics. Finally, I want to report some new developments at Quaker Religious Thought: “Ben” Pink Dandelion is stepping down from his role on the advisory committee. Thank you, Ben, for your ten years of service and for your many contributions! To take Ben’s spot, we welcome Stuart Masters. Stuart has been affiliated with Woodbrooke Quaker Learning Center in England for many years and has recently published a book on James Nayler. Welcome, Stuart! an all-volunteer leadership. While we strive to keep subscription rates low, the editorial board has agreed to a raise of rates of $24/year for domestic individuals, $40 for a domestic individual two-year subscription, and $48/year for domestic institutional subscribers. These new rates will begin January 1, 2022 and will help us to cover the rising costs of printing and mailing. Going forward, Quaker Religious Thought will be more active in seeking donations to support the work of the journal. Our recent partnership with Barclay Press gives us a great opportunity to share in fundraising efforts and support each other as we work collaboratively to support Friends. You will be receiving a letter from Eric Muhr at Barclay Press in coming weeks. I am grateful for your support, in whatever ways works for you. Finally, in response to several recent requests, we are now offering digital subscriptions to Quaker Religious Thought for those who wish to receive the journal in .pdf format. You may subscribe at https://qtdg.org/subscribe/. Please specify at time of ordering in the comment box if you would like to receive the digital file instead of the print issue. With that I leave you to this fine issue. With joy and anticipation, I pray you are nurtured, supported, and upheld for ministry in this interdependent world in which we live.



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