
Author ORCID Identifier

Nataliia Ishchuk: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4726-9432


A special issue of OPREE, dedicated to the interaction of religion and medicine, is being released on the anniversary of the struggle of humankind against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Unfortunately, hopes of overcoming the infection quickly proved futile. The outbreak of this infectious disease has caused chaos in the private and social lives of billions of people. It changed the usual rhythm and forced people to obey new rules. For many people, it caused job and income loss and changes in personal priorities. For most people, the question of reappraisal of values arose when the need for self-realization gave way to the need for personal security. Social institutions designed to combat the ills and fears posed by pandemics have also been challenged to confront these threats. Institutions of medicine, religion, and the state were, to different degrees, outposts of such resistance. How well and jointly coordinated they act today will depend on how quickly and reliably this deadly threat will be overcome.



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