About This Journal | Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe / Religion in Eastern Europe | George Fox University

About This Journal

Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe (OPREE), launched in 1981, was the first American scholarly journal to appraise the religious and anti-religious atmosphere in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Initially, it was intended for the use of denominational and governmental leaders, scholars, and general visitors who were being misled by propagandist claims about the status of religion in these regions. This religious cum political situation called for honest, reliable coverage, which the journal could provide.

For a nine-year period (2003-2012) the journal was titled Religion in Eastern Europe, with a uniform schedule of publication for subscription. During this time, the journal addressed the changing situation in the area, especially the challenges of nationalism, while continually looking back at the socialist era to reassess religion under communist rule. Following the November 2012 issue, the journal was reconfigured and reformatted to go exclusively online, at which point it reverted back to its first title, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe. Since becoming wholly digital, the journal has expanded its historical coverage to reflect upon religious life in the pre-communist era of the region. OPREE’s continued high level of scholarly interest and readership has made one theme clear: the persistence of religion as a central part of the human experience.

The journal today is peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, multi-religious, and ecumenical, aiming to promote dialogue, respect and peace among people of various worldviews. We invite you to access this journal, without subscription and without fee, to learn more about religion in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Manuscripts can be submitted to Paul Mojzes, editor-in- chief, and should follow the guidelines found at: http://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/ree/policies.html.

Editor-in- Chief: Paul Mojzes (pmojzes@rosemont.edu)

Co-Editors: Beth Admiraal (bethadmiraal@kings.edu) and H. David Baer (dbaer@tlu.edu)

E-mail is preferred, but print mail may be sent to the journal's physical address:

Alex Rolfe
Murdock Learning Resource Center
George Fox University
416 N. Meridian Street
Newberg, OR 97132

Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe is indexed in Clarivate's Web of Science Core Collection from 2017 forward. It is also indexed in Scopus, the ATLA Religion Database, Google Scholar, WorldCat, BASE, EBSCO Discovery Service, and EBSCOhost's Academic Search Premier from August 2003 forward. It is indexed from 1981 to the present in RelBib. The journal began assigning a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each article published with volume 42 (2022).

Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe's ISSN is 2693-2229 (formerly 2693-2148, and before that the print version was 1069-4781).