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In the spectrum of the research of this paper lies the sacred essence of religious musical art and the symbolic component of spiritual music of Ukraine. This scholarly research is aimed to reflect the content essence of spiritual art in the sphere of the Ukrainian musical culture. This phenomenon is analyzed both as a result of a creative (figurative) thinking in generalization, and the spiritual inner necessity of comprehension of the metaphysical. Symbol is represented as a component of the sacred content of religious art, which reflects the irrationality of the constituent forms of spiritual music. A retrospective analysis of genre wealth of Ukrainian spiritual music gives grounds to state the fact of its sacred predetermination. The essence of the diversity of the phenomenon, according to the researchers of this problem, lies in the full borrowing of the Ukrainian Orthodoxy from all the most common genres of the Byzantine church hymnography. It in turn gained the musical practice of the ancient Hebrew synagogue borrowing from it such genres as psalmody, allyluayya, antiphonal singing although in Byzantine, and later in Ukrainian music, they were filled with new musical content. The symbolism of sacredness of religious cultic singing is a feature that distinguishes it from other components of the musical space in general. It manifests itself on a two-level basis by the means of the complementary functioning both in the context of the components of the phenomenon, and in combination with other types of church art. This sacredness functions as a unified imagery that through the means of symbolism and genre diversity is adapted to the musical-aesthetic environment of Ukrainian Orthodoxy not only as a static cathegory, but also due to its specific features of musical expression and their constant evolution as developing, demonstrating its irresistible dynamics and aspirational desires.



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