"Reform of Orthodoxy: Current Challenges and Tasks" by Hennadii Khrystokin and Vasyl Lozovytskyi

Author ORCID Identifier

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2663-3055; xristokingena@gmail.com.

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5645-4309, lozovutskiy@gmail.com


The article analyzes the current state of Orthodoxy, and highlights the problem of its reform, which consists of the need for renewal and modernization. The article establishes that the reasons for the need to reform in Orthodoxy are the crisis of the unity of the Ecumenical Church, the crisis of the management structures of local churches, the crisis in local church communities, and the significant dependence of Orthodoxy on national traditions. The article notes that the main aspects of church reform are the renewal of tradition, the need for a new reading of the canons, rethinking the negative historical experience of the past, and overcoming the church's dependence on state dictates and political ideologies. The renewal of Orthodoxy requires the formation of a modern Orthodox culture that will develop partner relations with civil society and the state, be open to science, philosophy, and modern technologies, produce modern theology, and have a productive dialogue with other Christian churches. An important conclusion of the article is the proposal to distinguish between top- down reforms of Orthodoxy, which are carried out only by the church leadership, and its bottom-up renewal, in which all active Orthodox and public groups of society can participate. The authors have found that Ukrainian Orthodoxy is facing the task of implementing the decisions of the social doctrine of the Ecumenical Patriarchate into its own social doctrine, rethinking its attitude to modern economic and legal processes, problems of civil society, and the rule of law, education, and culture. Only the idea of church renewal can become the basis for productive dialogue among churches in Ukraine and promising partner relations with society and the state.



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