Faculty Publications - College of Social Work | College of Social Work | George Fox University


Faculty Publications from 2023


Transcendent Accountability and Pro-Community Attitudes: Assessing the Link Between Religion and Community Engagement, Sung Joon Jang, Matt Bradshaw, Charlotte V. O. Witvliet, Young-Il Kim, Byron R. Johnson, and Joseph Leman

Faculty Publications from 2021


A Wisdom-Based Salesforce Development Model: The Role of Wisdom in Salesforce Training and Well-Being, Joon-He Oh and Hunhui Oh

Faculty Publications from 2019


Assessing the Impact of Factors on Parental Grief Among Older Chinese Parents, Yongqiang Zheng and Leslie Wuest

Faculty Publications from 2018


A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effectiveness of the TYRO Dads Program, Young-Il Kim and Sung Joon Jang

Faculty Publications from 2017


A Review of Animal-Assisted Interventions in Long-Term Care Facilities, Jenna Ebener and Hunhui Oh


Telehealth in Palliative Care: A Systematic Review of Patient Reported Outcomes, Barbara A. Head, Tara J. Schapmire, and Yongqiang Zheng


Daughter's Generation: The Importance of Having Daughters Living Nearby for Older Korean Immigrants' Mental Health, Hunhui Oh, Monika Ardelt, and Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox


What Organizational Factors Influence Mental Health Treatment Allocation?, Rebecca A. Yazzie


“Our Only Child Has Died” – A Study of Bereaved Older Chinese Parents, Yongqiang Zheng, Thomas R. Lawson, and Barbara Anderson Head

Faculty Publications from 2016


Correlates of Wisdom, Monika Ardelt and Hunhui Oh


Theories of Wisdom and Aging, Monika Ardelt and Hunhui Oh


A Systematic Review of Telehealth in Palliative Care: Caregiver Outcomes, Yongqiang Zheng, Barbara A. Head, and Tara J. Schapmire

Faculty Publications from 2015


Identity Reconstruction as Shiduers: Narratives from Chinese Older Adults Who Lost Their Only Child, Yongqiang Zheng and Thomas Lawson

Faculty Publications from 2013


The Paradoxical Nature of Personal Wisdom and Its Relation to Human Development in the Reflective, Cognitive, and Affective Domains, Monika Ardelt, W. Andrew Achenbaum, and Hunhui Oh

Faculty Publications from 2012


Using Critical Race Theory to Analyze How Disney Constructs Diversity: A Construct for the Baccalaureate Human Behavior in the Social Environment Curriculum, Amy Cappiccie, Janice Chadha, Muh Bi Lin, and Frank Snyder

Faculty Publications from 2011


The Relationship between Religiosity and Substance Abuse among African Americans: A Systematic Review of 30 Years of Research, Jeongah Kim


Perceptions and Experiences of BSW Students with Religion and Spirituality in Social Work Education and Practice, Clifford J M Rosenbohm

Faculty Publications from 2010


Cognitive and Psychodynamic Mechanisms of Change in Treated and Untreated Depression, Daniel Coleman, Diane Cole, and Leslie Wuest


Not My Church! (Chapter 5 of Grappling With Faith: Decision Cases for Christians in Social Work), Clifford J M Rosenbohm


Availability of Treatment to Youth Offenders: Comparison of Public versus Private Programs from a National Census, Rebecca A. Yazzie

Faculty Publications from 2009


Urban community-based services in China: tensions in the transitions, Muh Bi Lin, W Jay Gabbard, Yuan-Shie Hwang, and Jeremiah Jaggers

Faculty Publications from 2008


Bridging the Gap: Gerontology and Social Work Education, Cindy Snyder, Susan Wesley, Muh Bi Lin, and J Dean May

Faculty Publications from 2007


Employed Parents of Children With Mental Health Disorders: Achieving Work–Family Fit, Flexibility, and Role Quality, Eileen M. Brennan, Julie M. Rosenzweig, A. Myrth Ogilvie, Leslie Wuest, and Ann A. Shindo


Employed Parents of Children With Mental Health Disorders: Achieving Work–Family Fit, Flexibility, and Role Quality, Eileen M. Brennan, Julie M. Rosenzweig, A Myrth Ogilvie, Leslie Wuest, and Ann A. Shindo


The Response of Social Work to the Multicultural Reality in the United States: Reflections and Implications for Taiwanese Social Work, Muh Bi Lin

Faculty Publications from 2006


Morgan's "Working Mothers and the Welfare State: Religion and the Politics of Work-Family Policies in Western Europe and the United States" - Book Review, Leslie Wuest

Faculty Publications from 2005


A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of the Effect of Religion on Adolescent Delinquency, Jeongah Kim