"Space Preacher and the Horror of ISIS (A Film)" by Joanna Wirtz

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Sunggu Yang, PhD

Second Advisor

Gregg Borror, DMin

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


There is a profound misunderstanding among religious “nones” in America about Christianity and what it means to follow Christ, which is caused in part by misrepresentation in various media. If solved, it would mean higher interest in and better representation of authentic Christian perspectives in the public square. I have researched where “nones” and these misunderstandings have come from, Christian perspectives on creativity, and Christians who felt called to create media content for secular audiences. As a preacher, writer, and actor, I feel called to share God’s truth through telling stories. Stories transform how people see the world. I chose to make a film as a story-telling vehicle for this project—a western in space adventure called “Space Preacher and the Horror of Isis”.
