"Ecumenical Diplomacy: The Art of Welcoming Dialogue for the Sake of Mu" by Tiffanie Paige Wilson

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Ekaterina Lomperis, PhD

Second Advisor

Jacqueline Bland, DMin

Third Advisor

MaryKate Morse, PhD


The project was developed in response to the NPO: How can we become proficient in better listening to and learning from each other to understand the ethical and intellectual commitment and stakes behind theological, political, and social perspectives different from our own? In a pluralistic society, such deep understanding is necessary to enable working together toward ecumenical diplomacy. A key insight emerging from research was just how impactful the path of ecumenical diplomacy would be for participants. People are truly weary of the polarization experienced in the United States, particularly theologically and politically, and are eager to learn a new way forward together. My ministry context is that I serve as a spiritual director. Through the space offered in spiritual direction, as well general conversations I have had with others either in person or virtually through social media, I gathered there was a stirring to learn how to process through challenging issues through the lenses of theology, political engagement, ethics, and spiritual formation. I have brought my practitioner skills into this project and have utilized the soul care posture to guide participants through the path to ecumenical diplomacy, enabling them to integrate what they are learning into their life, recognizing it all belongs. This project is a twelve-week, practitioner facilitated course that guides participants through the path to Ecumenical Diplomacy. The research process uncovered multiple causes of disunity among Christians in regard to theological, social, and ethical dilemmas and the course serves to offer a pathway toward unity by addressing the topics of Imago Dei, Ecumenical Unity, Critical Thinking, Ethics, Theology Processing, Story: Knowing Ourselves and Others, Political Formation, Spiritual Formation, Connecting Belief and Action, Practical Implications of Ethics, and finally, a Case Study.
