"An Examination of Ministry Essentials for the 21 Century Post Pandemic" by Kenneth Sullivan Jr.

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Eugene K. Austin, DMin

Second Advisor

Jamale Kempt, DMin


It is the goal of this research to explore the needs of the urban African American church in the post-pandemic era, and the adjustments it can make to remain a thriving, relevant entity within the culture. This body of work is designed to examine and explore how the African American church can pivot on a massive scale in this era. To pivot means to change course and/or direction. It refers to turning the body from one position or orientation to another. The church is referred to as the body of Christ in scripture, a body that may benefit by shifting course. The adjustments suggested herein can affect the church’s ability to continue to be an influential voice within its communities and the society at large, considering the long-term impact of the pandemic as well as societal trends that have affected the strength and position of African American-led houses of worship. There are nuances that affect areas of the United States outside of what is known as the Bible Belt—specifically the Midwest and East Coast—that may possibly make pastoring even more challenging. The primary objective of this dissertation is to create a manual for churches within the African American urban context to provide guidance and suggested best practices in leading their congregations in the post-COVID era. It will explore key essentials that the African American Urban Church may need to address going forward in this age, to not only survive, but also to thrive. While it is not possible to declare with certainty that every church who uses this manual will benefit, it is appropriate to assert that the manual can aid in equipping the church to maneuver in this period.

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Christianity Commons
