"Thriving Pastors Cohort: Expanding Capacity for Lifelong Ministry" by Michael Spivey

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Jeffery Savage, DMin

Second Advisor

Donna Wallace, DMin

Third Advisor

Ken Van Vliet, DMin


Assemblies of God pastors can expand their capacity for lifelong thriving by avoiding or recovering from ministry fatigue or burnout. The key insights that emerged from my research are as such: 1) Ministers are a vulnerable and largely self-isolating group who need a mechanism for spiritual growth and companionship. 2) There is already good work being accomplished in this arena, but pastoral thriving can be further nuanced and presented in a non-threatening and life-giving way. 3) There is not a singular way to accomplish the task of assisting ministers to engage in ongoing spiritual advancement. The cohort is but one avenue in pursuing pastoral flourishing. My current ministry context is as the Lead Pastor of People’s Church, a 300+- Assemblies of God church located in Winter Haven, Florida. The Thriving Pastors Cohort is a nine-session, in-person, group-based journey for pastors and ministry leaders who desire to avoid ministry burnout and expand their capacity for lifelong ministerial flourishing.

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