"Re-Innergized The Ministry of the Holy Spirit" by Stacey Spence-Baldwin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Melinda Smith, DMin

Second Advisor

Mark Chironna, DMin

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


In this Project Portfolio, I will address the following NPO: The church is in decline or dying because it lacks connection with the Holy Spirit. Through the church relying on human reason instead of the will of the Holy Spirit, the church has lost its light. The key finding in my research is that when a church embraces the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it will live again. This finding came from my personal experiences of the Holy Spirit resurrecting three small rural churches which were in decline/death back to life. When congregations allowed the Holy Spirit to prompt their mission work the rural churches, in serious decline, discovered innovative and creative ways in reinnergizing the body of Christ. My book project tells the stories of these three churches along with the historical, biblical, and futuristic work of the Holy Spirit in reviving what was once dead. The book contains an introduction and six chapters with the purpose of refocusing the hearts of the congregation towards the Holy Spirit.

Included in

Christianity Commons
