"Building the Bridge and Crossing It: Using Digital Media to Connect Ch" by Andrew Blair Farley

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Gregg Borror, DMin

Second Advisor

Sunggu Yang, PhD

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


This project is designed to address the NPO statement “Churches need strategies to both engage in and measure the effectiveness of digital ministry and discipleship expressions that reflect the unique character and context of their physical gatherings.” During the discovery phase of this project, it was found that many churches want to use digital ministry methods that enhance their in-person ministry and not as a replacement for it. I have found this to be true both in my research and a pastor and pioneer in the field of church communications. The project outlined includes a website to act as a hub for insights and research into digital ministry, a methodology for launching digital cohorts for deeper learning, and highly customizable church engagements for one-on-one assessment and coaching. Through engagement with the three components of this project, churches will be able to create unique ways to reach their community directly and engage with people leveraging digital technology.

Included in

Christianity Commons
