"The Loft: Where Gen Z Goes to Build Relationships and Discover Spiritu" by Jeremy S. DeWeerdt

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Portfolio

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)



First Advisor

Gregg Borror, DMin

Second Advisor

Sunggu Yang, PhD

Third Advisor

Leonard I. Sweet, PhD


It is an alarming but indisputable fact that the vast majority of Generation Z, specifically those between ages 18 and 25, are not attending and/or not interested in the faith or beliefs of the American Protestant Church today. Studies show that the Western Christian church is losing touch with an entire generation and that reality is the driving force behind this research project. We know from research conducted for this Doctoral Project, as well as from multiple academic and sociological studies that members of Generation Z are often interested in spirituality but are either ignorant or highly skeptical of organized religion. Along with the culturally preconceived idea that the Christian Church is narrow-minded, outdated, and intolerant, this poses a significant problem for faith leaders attempting to reach Generation Z. While formulating this Doctoral Project, I asked: “How can faith leaders connect with this generation in a relevant, viable, and appealing way, which could result in healthy relationships and, ultimately, point young adults to Jesus?" "Could the Church model Jesus in such a way that young adults become curious about faith and relationship in Jesus?” “If so, how and where?” I will present the idea, proven by data and testing, that the creation of a third space model (named “The Loft”) in which entertaining, interactive, and enlightening activities that appeal to Generation Z are regularly hosted in a neutral, non-threatening environment with a focus on building relationships could be a place where the Holy Spirit could use these authentic relationships to change lives and lead participants to Jesus ultimately.

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Christianity Commons
