"Instilling Biblically-Based Professional Dispositions" by Jeff Wiesman


Education faculty understand the importance of emphasizing and assessing teacher candidates’ professional dispositions. While all educator preparation providers examine dispositions, should faculty in our community of Christian colleges and universities include a stronger emphasis on Biblically-based dispositions? This essay explores the beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and values Christian educators should embrace, including dispositions teachers should display in a public or private-school setting. Christians are called to conform to the image of Christ (Romans 8:28) and, therefore, they should exemplify the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:22) and the Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22). In addition, the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5), a service mindset (Galatians 5:13), an ethic of care (1 John 3), and a spirit of gratitude (Philippians 2:14) should be evident in a believer’s life. Finally, the essay examines potential assessment practices and practical ways to emphasize Biblically-based dispositions.
