"Mentor Relationships in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Training: A Natio" by Steven C. Dickinson

Date of Award

Winter 11-24-2003

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


Graduate Department of Clinical Psychology

First Advisor

Kathleen Gathercoal, PhD


The purpose of the present study was to investigate mentoring from the perspective of training directors. This study expands on the work of Clark, Harden and Johnson (I 998) who surveyed psychology doctoral students' experience of mentoring. Mentoring is "a personal relationship in which a more experienced (usually older) individual acts as a guide, role model, teacher, and sponsor of a less experienced (usually younger) protege" (Levinson, 1978, 333-334). The present study assessed the prevalence, importance and qualities of mentoring as reported by directors of training from APA-accredited (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) psychology doctoral programs. Directors of training from 194 APA doctoral programs were sent a modified form of the Mentor Relationship Survey (Clark, et al, 1998) and 59% of them responded. The directors of training reported that mentoring is important and that 85% indicated that students in their programs were intentionally mentored. However, some differences did exist among programs. Specifically, (I) Ph.D. students were more likely to be mentored than were Psy.D. students, and (2) students in university-based departments of psychology were more likely to be mentored when compared with students from either university-based schools of professional psychology or free-standing schools of professional psychology. Most directors of training reported that compensation (monetary or rank) for mentoring was not offered, nor was it considered appropriate. Finally, the training directors describe the functions of mentoring. Directors of training from Psy.D. programs were more likely to report that mentors serve as role models, offer support and personal guidance to proteges while directors from Ph.D. programs reported that mentors provided proteges with opportunities for research. Differences of these results from past studies of training directors (Atkinson, ct al., 199 l; Atkinson cl al., 1994; Cronan-Hillix, et al., 1986; Kirchner, 1969, Minlz, et al., 1995) and from students' perception of mentoring (Clark, el. al., 1998) are discussed.
